||.𝔸𝕃𝕎𝔸𝕐𝕊 𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟' ❤️

310 11 31


It's been a day and I haven't heard from Lani since 8 last night. I've been calling her phone and it's just ringing. I was getting worried and I can't tell Mally and them they'll flip especially Maneski.

"Aye Bucks" I said knocking on his room door before I entered

"What's up" He questioned looking up from his phone

"You busy ?" I asked

"Nah what's going on ? You look tensed" He said

I sat across from him and took a deep breath. "Promise not to tell anyone what I'm bout to tell you ?"

"I promise" He said looking at me

"Lani is in Dubai I haven't spoken to her since yesterday night and she's not answering" I said

"Why she out there ?" he asked

"You promise promise"

"Yeah now tell me what's really going on" He said getting annoyed

"Von kidnapped Jae and Durk has Ria. Lani been trying to telling us for the longest but none of us believed her. She followed Booka out there" I said

He gritted his teeth grabbing his gun out the drawer "You riding or what"

"I just can't up and leave They'll know something's up" I said

"If something happen to Lani Maneski gon flip he's already thinking other shit cause he think she's cheating, Jae and Herb already beefing and you know how much Ria mean to me." He said

"She's not cheating on him who told his dumbass that ?" I said

"Forget I even mentioned that. Just stay here I don't need anything happening to you next, be an eye here just in case Lani comes back. I'll be back in a couple days" He said throwing some clothes and a picture of him and Ria inside a duffle

"You can't get through TSA with a gun" I said

"Private Jet" He said before rushing out the house

I went in Lani room cause Maneski got my friend fucked up.

"Where's Mally ?" I questioned

"Where's Lani ?"

"She's in NY. Now where's Mally" I said

"He in NY too"

"Dude be serious don't piss me off" I said mugging him

"He somewhere with Herb. Text Lani and tell her call me since she's ignoring my calls and I know y'all texting" He said

I rolled my eyes leaving out they room. I sat on my bed and kept trying to call Lani phone but it went to voicemail. I checked to see if she was still sharing her location and she was so I sent it to Bibby.

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