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I was in the back when I heard all the commotion going on. I grabbed my glock and ran towards the front

"Lani watch out" I heard Ali yell and I looked towards my side just as she collapsed. I ran over to her checking to see where she was hit at and saw blood coming out her mouth. Everybody stopped in their tracks I'm guessing shocked at what happened "This wasn't apart of the fucking plan" I yelled trying to pick her up but Maneski pushed me away "Lani" He yelled "Man we gotta get them to an hospital" He yelled running out the door.

I looked around for Durk but he was no where to be found. I spotted Ali "Can you please text me wha hospital y'all go to" If looks could kill I'll be dead "Nigga fuck you" She said before running out.

I looked around the church at all these lifeless bodies. This wasn't how it was supposed to go down, Durk put it on his life nobody was gonna get hurt especially not Lani and these nolimit niggas came and fucked shit up.

I ran outside the back towards my car and quickly hopped in. I sped off to one of the traps out here knowing Durk was gon be at one of them. All I could think bout was Lani, I hope she good.

"Nigga this wasn't supposed to happen" I said pushing Durk

Durk laughed "You really tweaking over the bit- I punched him in his face "Nigga they probably dead cause you wanted to be a sensitive ass nigga. They was doing fine and you couldn't handle Riaa being with another nigga" I said shaking my head.

I looked around the room at Kirah,Aaliyah and Nia I knew off rip Lani and them didn't like them cause they always said how Jae and them wouldn't talk to them.

I left back out the trap getting into my car. I didn't know where I was going but I needed to clear my head.


My heart was literally in my stomach this shit is above me. I never thought we'll be in this situation especially not because the girls got hit. How we let them get two up on us like this ? I'm ready to kill these niggas

3 hours later

"Family of Kelani Harris" The doctor said and we all stood up "Immediate family" He added

"I'm her mom and this is her immediate family" Her mom said looking around at all us as she grabbed my hand.

He sighed "We attempted to get the bullet out but one bullet hit her heart" He looked at me "You're her husband ?" I hesitated on answering before I nodded my head yeah "We found this letter in her dress ... I'm sorry and the whole hospital send their condolences. The other female who came in with her is still under going surgery"

Her mom squeezed my hand and I pulled her into a hug "Don't cry get back" Was all she said before she walked over to Ali wiping her face.

I looked over at everybody and they was crying, I couldn't cry. I was hurt but I just want to find these niggas.

"Bucks and George y'all stay with Ria. Ali stay with momma and I'll be back. Booka come with me" I said walking out the hospital with Herb, Mally, Kyro, WhiteShawn and Booka.

5 months later

"Anshar get ya little ass off the table" I said and he just laughed. He was one now and bad as hell.

"Baby cousin" Jae'la yelled picking him up

"How y'all get in ?" I asked looking up at Jae

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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