||.𝔸𝕃𝕎𝔸𝕐𝕊 𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟' ❤️

312 9 19


I woke up with the sun shining brightly in my face. I quickly turned over grabbing a pillow placing it on my face to block the sun out.

"Babe" I heard Durk's voice causing me to groan because I knew that meant I had to get up "Babe" He said again this time taking the pillow from me

"Durk" I whined

"Come on we need to get going" He laughed

"Just 5 more minutes baby"

"Nah cause last time I let you sleep 5 minutes you slept the whole day away" He grabbed my arm trying to drag me

"Fine" I frowned getting out of bed stomping all the way to the bathroom

I looked at myself in the mirror staring at myself. I feel so empty without my full memory.  I don't even know who I am. Like what do I like? What's my favorite color? I don't know shit about myself and it's driving me insane.

Like how can I be a stranger to myself? Nothing in this house seems familiar. I don't have anything that can help me.

"Ria" Durk yelled

"I'm about to shower what happened?"

"Did you use the ipad?" He asked

I sighed opening the door

"Yes I was bored and the tv was updating so I watched some videos"

"What I tell you about using it without my permission?" He snapped

"Well maybe if you gave me my own shit or let me get my own money so I can buy my own we wouldn't be going through this now would we?" I rolled my eyes closing the door locking it

As I stood in the bathroom I looked under the sink grabbing a pregnancy test. I quickly opened it peeing on the stick before placing it on the counter.

I finished up then washed my hands as I waited for the results. I don't know why but my heart was beating like crazy I felt like it was gonna pop out my chest.

After what felt like forever I picked the box up seeing that it was negative. I let out a sigh of relieve knowing that I wasn't pregnant.

I didn't want a kid now especially when i don't even know who i am.

I threw the test away making sure it was wrapped perfectly so he wouldn't see and start questioning me because he was on a mission to get me pregnant and I wasn't going.

I hopped in the shower letting the hot water hit my body. I don't know why but as i was showering my mind was hit with like images

"I'm pregnant" I whispered as the man with no face hugged me

"It's going to be okay Ria I promise you two gonna be straight" He said as he kissed my forehead

"I'm actually going to be someone's mom" I laughed trying to hide my nerves.

"Aye don't be scared. You got this ight" He grabbed my chin making me look up but i couldn't make the face

I quickly shook my head snapping out of it and finished my shower. I got out wrapping the towel around my body.

"Did me and Durk already have a child? If so where is my baby?" I said to myself out loud

I opened the door walking out seeing him on the bed smiling with a bag in his hand

"Why are you smiling?"

"Here" He gave me the bag.

I looked in and seen he gave me an Ipad and phone

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