The Prince Arrives

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"Beep, Beep, Beep!!"

I roll over and furiously pound on the side table in search of the dreadful noise that is my alarm. Pulling myself out of bed I groggily rub at my eyes and stumble to my calendar, I trip over something in the doorway. Why is there stuff at my door, unless, I jump up nearly tripping over myself in my hurry. I scan over my calendar following all the crossed days before reaching a circled space. Exchange Student!!!

I had packed a bag and set it at my door so I wouldn't forget about it, I mean a three and a half hour trip to the Airport would be pretty horrible without some activities. Mum is letting me go because I signed us up for the Exchange Student and she thinks he would like to meet someone his age when he landed, No School!

"10 minutes Luna!" I hear from downstairs, oops I haven't even begun getting ready, I quickly slip into the outfit I prepared yesterday knowing this would happen, run downstairs grab the cookies I baked late last night and get in the car with seconds to spare.

"That was cutting it close" Mum points out as we pull out of the parking space. I just nod, still catching my breath. Pretty soon into the trip I plug in my headphones and close my eyes, I got up half an hour earlier than I usually would but went to bed five hours later. I needed sleep.

Mum wakes me up at the Starbucks, we are an hour away from the Airport and it's Breakfast time, I order waffles and a strawberry frappuccino. Soon we are back on the rode, though this time I finish off my book (The Hunger Games) before we arrive.

Apparently we had great timing as they announced the plane had landed as we walked in the door, but we would still have to wait for a little while for everyone to exit and collect their bags. Surprisingly it wasn't long before a boy was directed over to us.

"Hi, You must be Emil, I'm Luna" I say extending my hand for him to shake, strangely he bent and lightly kissed my knuckles causing me to blush

"Greetings Luna, I'm Emil son of a humble moose farmer from Buronia" he says pulling away, yet not releasing my hand. Emil just stares at me as I turn to Mum who clears her throat after he doesn't move. Mum leads us to the car as Emil and I pull his bags.

Unlike on the way there I sit in the back with Emil so we can get to know each other. We exchange stories about our lives growing up, yet Emil seems distant when talking about his upbringing so I change the subject. Before I know it we are back and I feel Emil and I are somewhat close but he knows more about me than I do about him. At least I fond out he likes StankMan and Daryl a lot.

"What a Wonderful Closet!" Emil exclaims as we enter Teddy's room. Huh.. that's strange Teddy's room is quite large compared to some people yet the 'son of a moose farmer' thinks it is a closet, something strange is going on here and it's my job to figure it out. I welcome Emil once again before heading up to my room, which is in the attic.

Pulling out my laptop, I begin looking up everything there is to find about Buronia. Most people think I was born with the pretty face and Teddy with the brains but no, I am pretty smart as well if I do say so myself, I pass with flying colors on every exam or test, alright I am no where near as advanced as Teddy but i can usually keep up with him on most things.

"Turkey Tap!" What sounds like Emil yells out from underneath me, Ouch! Emil showed me some videos of StankMan and Daryl. God it looks painful and from the sound of things it is. Suddenly a loading screen pops up on my computer before a photo of the King and his son develops. Wait a second, that's Emil! Emil is a Prince!! I quickly print off the photo. I am a little upset that he didn't trust us enough to tell us the truth even though he was to be staying with us, but then again I understand he would be the biggest prize of every Bounty Hunter around.

I want to go talk to him but he is currently with Teddy and it isn't something I should be spreading around so I shall wait. While I do I will bake? Brownies!

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