Family Bowling Competition

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I am working today as there are many people participating in the bowling competition, I slip into my uniform and head to the counter to sign in the teams. Out of the corner of my eye I see Teddy watching Emil and Mum having practice bowls. As soon as I am done I chase after Teddy who is currently talking to them as they look confused, "I'm in the tournament with.... Luna!"

"What, No! Teddy I'm working!" I try to convince him to no avail. He forced me into my bowling shoes and raced over for my bowling ball behind the counter.

I guess it's my turn, I roll and STRIKE!! I always was better than Teddy, mainly because I spent time with my friends bowling when he was making new inventions.

A new set of customers walked in the door so I had to find a solution quick! Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Wade who was drinking a soda and rushed over, "Hey, Wade. Do you want to, maybe, play in the tournament with Teddy while I work? Please!"

"Luna, you had me at... Hey, Wade. Do you want to, maybe, play in the tournament with Teddy while I work? Please!" He says, I just look at him, thank him and Run!

Not long after tending to the new customers Wade rushes past me to the bathroom and Teddy dissapears up the stairs. What is going on?

I tend to about 5 tables before Teddy re-emerges from upstairs, wearing a invention covered in a glove. "Teddy! Come here for a sec!"

"But Luna...!"

"No buts! It will only take a moment!" I can't believe him going to cheat. Not if I can help it, I can't tell him off and disqualify him, because that's against 'Twin Code' but I cab try to convince him.

"What!" He shouts angrilly

"Teddy, you can't" I chance

"Can't what, huh, beat Mum and 'Emil" he sneers "because they deserve it for replacing me!"

"Hey, I'm not saying that but cheating is not the way to go." I plead, but no use. He just glares and stalks off. Oh No!

I watch as he scores Strike after Strike. I just sigh disappointed and watch Emil and Mum instead. It touches my heart that my boyfriend and mum get along so well, and that she can help him through his home sickness.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where the bathrooms are?" A lady asks. I point to the bathrooms and then get back to making some macaroons to sell in the alley.

I am putting them together when a shriek draws my attention to the tournament once again. I soon find the source of the terror. Teddy. His invention blew up. I knew this wouldn't end well.

Once Jill gets here I take of my uniform and slip into some comfy cloths for once, grab a strawberry smoothie and sit down on the couch to watch everyone play.

I love that my brother came up and apologized for being Jealous, yeah, it was quite obvious. "What a touching moment for you, Teddy Bear" Emil says interrupting there moment, I roll my eyes as Teddy jumps in defensively.

"Hey! Only she calls me Teddy Bear, and maybe Luna, Sometimes!" He says gesturing to mum then to me.

We know we're going to lose so we are about to head out for ice-cream when Mum screams out that the Durksons (sp?) have a foot fault.

"We Won!! We Won!!" I scream with everyone else. First time ever!

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