Piggy Spank

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Today is the day of the Piggy Spank. Emil asked Sydney and I to go with him and I have a feeling that something is going to happen today because of Teddy and not.

We walk over to the crowd of people surrounding the sheltered are next to the Dam where there is a pig pinata hanging above the release of a ramp. I wave at Sydney who came on her own after originally being taken to the library. We got here just in time to see Braughner have her go, she was so close.

"You never did anything like this at home?" Sydney asks Emil

"Oh No, my father was quite overprotective, I was not even allowed to use the bathroom unsupervised for fear of flashback" He explains, Sydney and I cringe.

"That certainly paints a picture Emil" I say while Sydney nods

"NEXT UP EMIL!!" comes the loudspeaker

"Oh,oh! I am next, what do you think about my mighty chariot?!" He asks eagerly "I built it with my own two hands!"

"Two things, one probably should have used tools and two looks great" I smile reassuringly

"Probably, Hey Luna can you help me push my cart up?"


Halfway up the hill I see Teddy coming Oh No. "Oh, Hey Roomie" Emil greets ,like nothing is different

"Don't you Hey Roomie me, I know the truth about you" He says, I watch as Emil's face goes from excited to worried.

"OK, I admit it" What are you doing Emil "I played with your robots last night and I made two of them kiss" He says regretful, Oh he thinks it is that.

"What! No! Wait! Which ones? Oh, Forget it I don't even want to know!" I giggle his reaction was priceless, so should have filmed this. "I'm talking about, you being a Prince!" He accuses.

"How did you find out about that?" Emil asks, if I thought he was worried before you should see him now.

"He ran into some big weirdo with a mustache that has been spying on you" I say resting a hand on Emil's shoulder for comfort. Teddy glares at my hand then Emil distastefully.

"Jooseph!" The man Teddy saw pops up from behind a bush.

"Yes, your highness?" He asks Emil, Emil just looks at him incredulously until he realizes. "Wit, Luna you know too?"

"Yes, but if I didn't know before, I sure would have now" I glare at Teddy "I told him not to say anything, I have known since your first night here"

"He has a way better bush suit than mine" Teddy points out ignoring me


"Never Mind! The point is, you lied to me and everyone at school, even Luna, who you have a crush on!" Emil glares at Teddy after the last comment as I blush.

"Look I am sorry, but you shouldn't have said that I only told you because you guessed, I only did it because I wanted to be treated like an ordinary kid for once in my life" He looks genuinely upset so once again I glare at Teddy, I told him not to bring this up.

"Well, your going to have to do that somewhere else because, you can't just come in here and mess up my life, because you got bored of your castle and you wanted a little vacation. Besides, Luna is my sister and you don't deserve her" Teddy says

"Your right, I don't deserve her and if it means that much I will go" He replies dejectedly

"No,your not, your going to go up there and take that Piggy down, we will talk about this later!" I command. Emil smiles slightly and returns to help me push his cart up "You going to help?" I ask sarcastically. He groans then stands by my side.

At the top Teddy pretty much tells Emil he won't do anything so he pulls Teddy who grabs onto e causing us both to be in the cart when he rolls down the ramp. I can't swim! Once I hit the water I try desperately to keep my head above the water but soon give up. I vaguely remember being pulled out and wrapped in a towel before being brought near the heater as someone rubs my back.

Once my breathing returns to normal I spin around and see that it is Emil sitting behind me and he has a red mark on the side of his face. Someone must have slapped him afterwards. Most likely Teddy, or Sydney. At my questioning look he explains that Teddy hit him after they got me out of the water.

I lean back against his chest suddenly feeling exhausted not even able to ask if what Teddy said is true before falling asleep curled up against him.


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