We're Going Camping

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"What a fantastic day!" Emil exclaims coming into the bowling alley when I am helping Mum out around the Bowling Alley. Emil and I haven't talked about our moment yet, but we do need to. I want to know where we sit because Teddy let it slip that he had a small crush on me. "Right Teddy?" Teddy walks in with tire prints and mus all over himself and I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips.

"Speak for yourself, you're the only one who would volunteer to clean the stretch of yard between the dump and the other dump"Teddy says annoyed

"What about all the other nice gentlemen that were helping us?" He says trying to prove a point

"Emil, they have to do it they are prisoners" I explain

"Even Bone-Saw?"

"Especially Bone Saw" Teddy states.

"Oh No, Royal Baby sitter coming in"Emil says. Mum walks out with the food I am to deliver to Table 4, so I quickly take my leave.

"Luna! Your permission slip for the camping trip is here" Yes! Emil signed us all up for an overnight stay and Snake Bite Ridge, though Teddy doesn't seem rather excited. Hopefully Emil and I can talk when we are there.

Before I know it we are on our way to Snake Bite Ridge.


Sorry about the short chapter there wasn't much to write about, but the next chapter will be extra long.

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