Home Sick or a Night at the Hip Hopera

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I pretty much slept the whole day away while Emil and Teddy went to school, I am honestly glad that I am not at school today with what Teddy is wearing, he looks ridiculous. After having some lunch I can't fall asleep so I turn on my TV and catch up on some Agents of Shield, I have been loving it and they are currently on their 7th season, which will be their last...

3 hours later I hear the bus arrive and excitedly wait for Emil to come up to say hello as I missed him this morning. I hear the ladder go down and I quickly grab my book and pretend to be reading and not waiting for his arrival. The door creaks open and I look up with a smile. "Hey baby" Emil greets me

"Hi!" I go to stand up but he pushes me down

"No! You are staying right there until we leave! Oh, and Sydney is coming too" He finished with a look at Teddy who had followed him in.

"Teddy... What did you do? Never mind don't answer that, I can guess." Emil takes a seat against my headboard pulling me against him which makes me sigh, content.

"Not only is Sydney coming, we are going in style with a limo and everything" he says into my hair faking excitement. of course we are, it is Teddy we are talking about her, more so a Teddy who is trying to impress his crush who happens to be my best friend by the way. I am happy she was going as much as I love the boys a little girl time is important.

As if on cue my phone buzzes from it's place on my side table, seeing as Emil is closer and blocking me he grabs it and passes it over. Most people would check who was texting their girlfriends and what it was about, but not Emil, I guess there are a few perks of dating a prince. Distracted I shake myself out of a stupor and read what she wants, she is asking if she can come over here to get ready with me knowing that Emil, Teddy and Mum won't let me leave the house for as long as possible, I excitedly reply with a yes before realizing she will be here soon as we have to leave in an hour and a half. I shoo out the boys, she only lives a couple of blocks away and I want to be ready for when she gets here.

I head down the ladder or stairs to my room whatever you want to call it and make my way into the small kitchen we have above the bowling alley, we mainly use the one downstairs but it is still helpful. I grab some microwavable popcorn make up a jug of raspberry lemonade flavoured cordial and tip some skittles and M&M's into a bowl. bringing it up to my room is a little bit of a struggle but I manage. The last thing I need to get done is pick out my dress, but I can't decide between two so I lay them out on my bed.

"Luna! Sydney's here" the familiar voice of my boyfriend sounds out

"Send her up please Emil! I ask loud enough that I hope he can hear me, I get my answer when a knock sounds on my door. She strolls in with a dress bag and a purse that I know holds some of her favourite makeup products. We sit down in front of my mirror which leans up against the wall, where I have plugged in my hair straightener and curler. Sydney begins by undoing the dutch braids I often wear to bed, it is pretty much curled from that but in a couple places she does touch ups before pulling it into a cute half up half down style she knows I love. Afterwards I do her hair pulling it all back and away from her face, using mousse and hairspray to keep it tight along with many and I main many hair ties.

We chat as we finish up our hair and makeup, I keep it natural not a fan of the heavy look, Sydney follows my lead and before she goes into the bathroom to change I get her opinion on which dress to wear she ends up choosing a red one that ties at the neck and has an open back over a royal blue one that criss-crosses at the back. I subtly role my eyes changing into it, I should have known she would pick this one, it is also kind of ironic that she picks a dress that's colour matches the colours of Buronia.

Once we are done we just chat, look on our phones and eat the snacks I made waiting for the limo to arrive. When it does Emil and Teddy come and get us from my room where they freeze seeing us come down.

Sydney goes first and from my place I can see Teddy pause and a pink blush to tint his cheeks, he is just too cute. Once she is out of the way I head down, Sydney is smirking and whispers something into his ear making him smirk whilst blushing more heavily, I have a feeling she is telling him about her choice in my dress that she wouldn't tell me about. I come to a stop in front of Emil who doesn't falter and holds out an arm as if escorting me to a ball. I once again thank that the boy was raised in a palace around dressed up women all his life and I can feel myself blush but I can only hope that I don't look like a cherry tomato and that the thin layer of makeup I am wearing is enough to hide it. "You look stunning." he whispers in my ear as we walk past the gobsmacked Sydney and my twin brother who I have to admit looks lovely all dressed up nice. Last time I saw him wear a nice shirt and pants was when Dad died. Stop Luna you are supposed to be having fun.

We climb into the limo, Teddy next to Sydney at the back and Emil and I together on the other seat against the side. We erupt into fun chatter as the Limo pulls out and takes us towards our destination. The Hip Hopera.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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