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As I lie on Teddy's bed I recall all that has happened in the past two weeks, not much actually. It has been pretty smooth sailing from school to my relationship with Emil. I can't believe he has already been here for a whole month, it feels like only yesterday that I found out the boy I like is a prince and then we become boyfriend and girlfriend.

"What is that trash you're watching?" Teddy asks, I can tell he is already fed up with listening to the snarky TV reporter that Emil and I are watching together on the Ipad.

"It's Fabian La Fab" I tell Teddy

"He's the scourge of every royal. If you do one'less than royal thing' he is somehow always there to bust you! He even snuck into my bakshal to live shame my freestyle gangnam waltzing" He complains, I cover my mouth to hide my giggle as Emil gives us a demonstration that is both amusing and strange. Teddy mumbles something about him not making it very difficult so I send him a sharp glare to which he just rolls his eyes. "Pardon my harsh language, but Fabian is a real... meanie pants!"

"Watch your mouth there Sailor" Teddy says sarcastically before turning back to his phone thing. Emil then says how that has been one of the best parts of being here and I shoot him a look that says 'excuse me', "I said ONE of the best things, not the best" he quickly says not wanting me angry at him. I roll my eyes before pulling out my phone, zoning out for the rest of the conversation until the power suddenly switches out. Emil seems to realize what he has done and leaves me and Teddy alone.

"Hey Ted, you okay? I know you really wanted to see that show..." I ask resting my hand on his shoulder as a comforting gesture.

"Not really, this was our only chance to go!" He complains spinning so he can bury his head in my shoulder. I love that about our bond we may get on each others nerves a lot but we can still have these treasured moments. After a few minutes Teddy stands to go down to the bowling alley as I return to my room, not being needed and because I wasn't feeling that great.

I wake up what feels like seconds later with a massive headache and a burning throat, I groan before pulling on a jacket and my slippers to go to the kitchen for panadol. I stumble across Teddy and Emil talking while holding a golden phone with a weird button. I take two tablets with a glass of water before making my way over to them.

"Whatcha doing?" I say resting my head on Emil's shoulder, he jumps before realizing it's me

"Emil is getting us all tickets to Fillmore!" Teddy exclaims suddenly, I take my head of Emil's shoulder and instead furrow my brows at him.

"Isn't Emil supposed to be keeping a low profile?" I say glaring at Teddy. "Because I pretty sure this isn't it"

"He is the one that LOST me the tickets anyway he has to repay US!" He yells causing a shooting pain to come across my head. I rest my forehead on Emil's shoulder once again flinching at the suddenly loud bowling Alley. I feel Emil lead me over to the couch and sit me down next to him.

"Luna, hey, are you alright?" He asks lifting my head to meet his eyes. I nod shutting my eyes again as my eyes can't take the light, I feel Teddy's hand leave my knee and a few moments later feel Mum's hand against my forehead. I push against her hand craving the coolness of her fingers. I vaguely hear mum tell Emil and Teddy to take me to bed and make sure I go to sleep before I am pulled to my feet and escorted up stairs. All I want is to cuddle up next to Emil and sleep but nope I get to sleep but after tucking me in Emil sits on my hanging seat, I watch him until I can't keep my eyes open any longer.


Oh No! Luna has a cold, but don't worry her twin and boyfriend are here to help!

Make sure to suggest any ideas you have for up and coming episodes, and I am sorry for the long absence I have been very unmotivated to write but here I am, hope everyone is doing okay during this time, just remember to stay home and to do as much as you can to stay healthy


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