Leg Wrestling Championship

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"Luna!" Emil shouts from at the bottom of the ladder

"Come up here! I'm working!" I reply, I have an assignment for English due next month but I want to get a head start. We have to write a book about a family story, I chose when Pa found gold. Soon I see Emil pokes his head through the trapdoor, the entrance to my room.

"Do you want to have a leg battle?" He asks pleadingly.

"I would love to,but I have an assignment due soon that I need to finish, i'm sorry" I smile sympathetically towards him, he sits beside me on my bed and I swing my body around so we are sitting side by side. I lean my head on his shoulder as he sighs.

"This is my first one away from home, I guess I am a little homesick" he says resting his head on mine.

"Hey why don't I finish this and we can watch it together, alright?" I suggest. He nods and smiles. He gets up and heads down to the bowling alley to set things up as I finish off my first draft and email it to my English teacher for early submission feedback.

Soon I head down to the bowling alley only to find Emil and Mum dancing, Singing and cleaning the bowling shoes? I move beside Teddy as we watch them look ridiculous, I lean over and whisper into Teddy's ear "They look utterly ridiculous" We both start laughing.

"Hey Luna, as mum seems a little occupied would you mind making me a brain power smoothie, please?" He asks

"Sure, how about I show you how to make one, so you can make them for yourself?" He nods and we head over to the smoothie station and I select the ingredients, cut them up, measure them out and blend them together. After handing it over to him I clean the cup and start my signature strawberry smoothie and plonk myself down onto the couch and Emil and I watch the rest of the leg wrestling championships.

That night I am sitting on Emil's bed watching Teddy try to come up with a new invention when his alarm goes off. Emil and Mum walk in and he is wearing Teddy's bowling shirt, I watch confused as they explain what is going on and I leave to my room knowing that no matter how much Teddy complains about the bowling competition he secretly loves it and now Emil is taking his place, he is not going to be too happy, and even though I should I don't want to be around him like this.

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