R:VCP | Chapter 10: Helping and Destiny

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R:VCP | Chapter 10: Helping and Destiny

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R:VCP | Chapter 10: Helping and Destiny


Gratitude is that thing you received when you do good.

It might be the 'good' you believe is good.
Or the 'good' that the other people think is good.

Confusing right?

The truth is, that's what I'm feeling right now.

"Thank you for your help, Miss... Really, really thank you. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what to do anymore, if something happened to my mother... I, I... *Sniff* So, really thank you!!"

Said, by the thankful nurse which also the daughter of that elderly lady.

I know you're all confused right now, right?

The truth is it was all because what happened a while ago....
When I was still on my way window shopping...


I was walking on the street, still not able to move on with the fountain 'event'.

I was still in dazed, and even confused to what really happened there. It was as if it was just a dream, but at the same time it was real.

I was walking... And walking, and walking... Not far away from me, I saw an elderly lady was walking down the street carrying lunch boxes.

'She seems having trouble...' I thought.

So I decided to come forward and help her, when suddenly...

...she collapsed.

Luckily I was quick witted enough and immediately went towards her, holding her and her things I immediately hailed a a cab.

Flashback ends~~

So, we can see why I'm in this situation... Arriving here, I immediately called a nurse, who could've thought that the nurse I actually called out to, to help me carry the elderly lady, was actually her daughter...

And, that old lady's destination was actually in the hospital. Because she was actually planning on surprising her daughter with some lunch after all...

Who could've thought?, such coincidence...

That nurse then told me her name...

"I am Glaze Mae Xu... You can call me Aunt Mae. How about you?, what's your name deary?"

Aunt Mae introduced herself warmly to me, she was a middle age woman, maybe in her early 30's. I can't really say, but if you let me guess, i think she's already 32.

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