R:VCP | Chapter 15: The Attempt Of Letting Go

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R:VCP | Chapter 15: The Attempt of Letting Go

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R:VCP | Chapter 15: The Attempt of Letting Go

Sometimes things that you don't try to understand.

Will be the one that'll makes everything and everyone misunderstand you.

When I saw her cry like this... I didn't know what to do. My heart hurts seeing her like this. I want to hug her and tell her that everything will be okay.

I want to make her smile, not the fake and empty smiles she puts on all the time, but a smile that shows how touched and happy she is... Instead of this bitter and heartbreaking smile.

I want to see her laugh again.

Even though I've never seen her laughed before, not even once.

"Belle...?" Jacob tried to hold Belle, but before he can even hold her he was pushed away by Belle.

"Let go!!" She shouted and pushed Jacob away. Then seeing a chance, she immediately run away with tears in her eyes, and off to find Luna.

"Belle!" Jacob chased after her who had run off.

But, after chasing Belle non-stop, he found out that he actually still lost her.

He ruffled his hair in annoyance.
'Arghh!! Where did she go!?'


"Where are you Belle?"


After witnessing Belle run off, both of the Villainesses and the Capture Targets was stopped from their own squabbles for a moment.

The Villainess after they saw the Heroine who was in tears, was also starting to tear up, but they immediately shift their gaze away in that way no one will see their own shares of pain.

The Capture Targets on the other hand at first they were captivated by her, Belle, it wasn't just because of her beauty but also there was something about her that made them want to be with her...

But later on after being with her by following Jacob, who was tailing and stalking her non-stop, the Capture Targets seemed to realize something then, that during the time that they were with Belle, they realize that they weren't really into her after all...

And every time they spend their time with Belle by following her and stalking her by the leadership of Jacob, they have actually found out that the other girls, the Villainesses, seems to have drifted away from them. At first they thought that it was just nothing and they thought that later on they, the Villainesses, would just come back.

But, reality proved them wrong, days have gone by but the Villainesses still didn't come back to them again, and they even found out that, the Villainesses have actually started to ignore them.

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