R:VCP | Chapter 22: What A Villain Should Do

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R:VCP | Chapter 22: What A Villain Should Do

As she looked at the others who was busy looking worriedly at Luna, Camille silently sighed. She was also terribly worried about Luna.

Not only because because she know the ending plot of this world story, but also because of some other worrying... things.

'Dezu? Is it not still working?' Camille urgently asked, worried.

[Host Camilla... I'm sorry but it's still error. Every time I tried sensing Miss Luna's condition the higher ups keep restricting me.]

'Restricting you? Why is that?... Does asking for the System's help on checking the character's condition forbidden?'

Camille asked confused, thinking that it seems suspicious. Especially since this is just simple as checking the info of the character. So why?

Dezu was also confused but he also has his own suspicions.

[I also don't know host, it just says that this information is restricted and locked by the higher ups... but if you ask me, I think something is really going on or going to happen soon.] Dezu seriously said.

Going to happen?

'What do you mean?' Camille soon detected the seriousness of the problem and ask Dezu again.

'What do you mean Dezu? Is it... Has to do something about the past you were talking about?' She speculated.

Dezu hesitated, but then decided to say some things.

[Host Camilla, listen to me... Okay? I will only say it once since this is not really the right time for me to say it. So you must listen carefully and decode the things I'll say, since I can't say it to you directly or else it will just be muted and you won't still hear it.]

Camille paused, but then smiled slightly and nods.

'Okay, I'll listen'

Dezu thought for a moment then started.

[Er... Well let me start then. Five stars known as the brightest of every star. The stars were so close to each other. One day the oldest star became a falling star. One by one the other stars also followed. Because of that the sky has changed, the sky was angered and (a prophecy was told.) And a war will happen. Can you understand it host?]

'A little, but I think some of your words were muted...' Camille pointed out. She heard Dezu's slight paused and suspected that he was muted.

[Sigh... Yes, host Camilla, your right. I was muted again. Especially since the time to say that is not now. And you need to remember it yourself.]

Dezu was distressed about the happenings too... But he can't do anything but to stay silent, because even if he tried to help and say something, he will still end up being restricted and muted.

'I know... Then, I guess that my identity in the past was such an important person then huh?' Camille joked. She was also frustrated to this thing that is happening, since this also somehow involves Luna.

Just as she thought of this, she reacted and asked.

'Dezu! Tell me, if you can't even sense Luna's condition then does this mean the others cannot too?'

Dezu paused, confused why Camille asked but still answer her honestly.

[Yes, host Camilla. Even if that person is a Celestial being or a God, as long as the three heavenly beings: Fate, Death and Time is involved. No one can see anything that the three heavenly beings doesn't want them to see.]

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