R:VCP | Chapter 20: I Give Up

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R:VCP | Chapter 20: I Give Up

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R:VCP | Chapter 20: I Give Up

Walking in a hallway of Skylarford University, a girl with silverish white hair, was walking briskly. Her cold indifferent face tinted with a slight blush.

Yes, you guessed it right. It is Luna.

'Fudge. Fudge. Fudge. Fudge. Fudge. Fudge. Fudge. Fudge. Fudgeeeeeee!!!! So embarrassing!!! Why did I blabbered about that, this and those!!?'

Luna who was walking briskly and scolding herself in her mind at the same time was literally embarrassed, especially when she remembered what she did yesterday.

Yes, it was already yesterday after that embarrassing (not) incident happened. When our beloved heterochromia guy, Alistair, gave our little adorable Luna his handmade bracelet.

Actually, Luna was already chill and cool when she arrived at the gate of  the school. Already prep herself about the things and everything happened yesterday, and what to and not to forget... Especially that incident.

But who could've thought that just when Luna entered the school gates with a cold indifferent face, sign of Cupid's visit was eminent everywhere.

Luna:  (・_・)  Should I say fudge? Or should I say fudge!?

(凸(艹皿艹 ) )

Spring has once again come to all the people around and the thick smell of love is in the air once again

Luna: The pungent smell of people who's in love~. Yup, I really should have worn a mask.

Standing in the center of this "love epidemic" Luna was cold face.
(ー_ー )

A girl giving her chocolate and confessing to the guy she likes was in Luna's right side.

"I like you! Please accept me!"

Luna: (ー_ー|||)  Do you need me as an audience? or do you need me as an audience?

"Okay, I accept."

In the other side on the other hand...

A guy kneeling and giving a girl his handmade craft accessory; paired with flowers and heart balloons.

"Can you date me, please?"

Luna: (´ᴖωᴖ # ) Should I pop that balloons for you? Or should I pop that balloons for you!?

"Un. Let's date."

And in front of her was a tooth aching PDA-ing couple hand in hand, side by side, sticking to each other walking to the pathway in a slow motion as if they were walking in the aisle!




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