ch. 11

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"Can we go to New York" Liana asked Natasha as they walked to the jet

"You aren't planning on handing me over to Tony, are you" Natasha said with a smirk.

Liana chuckled shaking her head " I don't think I could even if I want to"

Natasha smiled "so what is it that you want from New York"

"Just wanted to check on something and maybe buy the gift for shuri" Natasha nodded as Liana put on her ai glasses "Howard" she said

"Good afternoon liana" replied the robotic male Ai's voice "I want you to track the location of Peter Parker"

"The spider kid, what do you need from him" Natasha asked, Liana shrugged as she saw Steve and Bucky walking towards them.

"Natasha, Liana " Steve nodded in their direction, Liana rolled her eyes at his behaviour "we met at the the breakfast, Steve"

Bucky chuckled

"anything you needed Steve " Natasha asked fidgeting with the switches of the jet.

Steve rubbed the back of his head with his hand "yeah I was wondering if Bucky and I could Tag along"

Natasha smirked "no problem, Rogers"

"The more the merrier" Liana mumbled sarcastically sitting on the leather seat beside Natasha.

"You realize that's pilot seat" Natasha side-eyed her.

"If you attended my last birthday in which you weren't invited, you would've known that I now own a jet" she answered her flicking a switch, Natasha raised an impressed eyebrow.


"Honestly it's a miracle that you guys are not caught yet" Liana exclaimed "caps and googles, that's your disguise" she looked at Steve and Bucky then at Natasha "you too" she asked not believing.

Steve looked everywhere except her Bucky looked amusingly at the burger stall

"this is clichéd" Liana groaned.

"That's why we are doing it, nobody would expect the country's most wanted fugitives to be in this disguise" Natasha answered.

Liana pouted "I thought I would get to do something fun with you guys"


Sighning Liana sat beside Natasha with many bags "now we only need to get shuri's gift"

"And your dress" Natasha added Liana looked at her confused.

"I would never let you attend a Royal party in your everyday jeans" Liana groaned, Natasha stood up as she saw Steve and Bucky coming towards them and adjusted her gun strap "now Steve and I have to go somewhere, we will meet you and Bucky by the jet exactly at 4:30, don't be late"

"Are you two going on a date" Liana asked leaning on the plastic chair she was sitting in.

Natasha looked up shocked "wha- no"

Steve stopped beside her with a confused look on her expression liana smirked "Steve I was wondering if you and nat ar-"

"Take care of her" Natasha told Bucky and taking Steve's hand she dragged him with her.

Liana laughed after them "what's so funny" Bucky asked her amused.

"Oh it's um nothing" she answered

"so Natasha said you need to buy a dress" Bucky said


"Why the sad face" he asked lifting an eyebrow

"Dress shopping is really confusing"

"Well it's something I haven't done in past few decades" he gave her a sheepish smile "and I've no idea about the fashion now but I will try to help you"

Bucky shook his head in a no at seeing the fifth dress Liana came, irritated she stomped back to the changing room banging the door,
he knew that he wasn't helping her but none of the dresses were something he wanted to see her in.

he leaned on the wall as  the dressing room door opened again and his mouth fell on the floor, literally.

He stood there gawking like a fool as she walked to him shyly looking radiant in a torquoise blue- black offshoulder dress.

He stood there gawking like a fool as she walked to him shyly looking radiant in a torquoise blue- black offshoulder dress

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She raised her eyebrow "so how do I look" she asked twirling around.

"P-perfect" he managed to say.

"Really I thought you had no idea about dresses"

he smiled taking a step towards her "but I do have a idea about what beauty is".


Peter was walking back from school deeply in thought about this gang a bit irritated about why Tony Stark wasn't paying any attention on his warnings, he kicked a random stone out of his way and huffed he has to do everything, so much for being friendly neighborhood Spiderman.


startled Peter fell on his bum, screaming "I swear I'm just a normal highschool student"

Liana stood there laughing "I thought you would have sensed that through your Peter jingles, Spiderman" Peter pouted "miss stark"

Smiling Liana gave her hand to help him up "call me Liana"

Peter dusted his jeans but stopped stricken when Liana said "I see you have hacked the suit"

He looked up dreadfully "I-i- I'm, does Mr. Stark knows" he asked his eyes brimming with tears.

Liana put a hand on his shoulder "hey calm down, he doesn't and I won't tell him. I just wanted to make sure that you are okay"

"R-really" Liana nodded and Peter pulled her in a hug, woah this kid is strong liana thought akwardly patting his back.

Bucky who was standing a little away pursed his lips.

"Nobody knows that we met not even uncle Tony"
Peter nodded looking confused.

"Pinky promise" she said putting her pinky in front of him, laughing Peter joined his pinky to her.

Liana sighed she could trust him right seeing Bucky glaring at them she waved at him to come.

"Holy cow, you're the guy with that cool metal arm" Peter exclaimed when Bucky reached them " I thought there was a real hand inside, I believed it was a accessory to make your suit look cooler"

"Peter"  Liana shut him up.

"You're the spider kid"

"Spider Man" Peter corrected him then looked at him and Liana "aren't you supposed to be against each other"

"that's why you can't tell Uncle Tony anything"

Peter nodded determined "you have my word"

Liana chuckled while Bucky rolled his eyes "that was a little exaggerated but I'll count on it"

"Bye Peter pater, I'll see you in a few days"

"It's Peter Parker" he called.

"I know. Don't forget to tell les how you feel about her" she laughed at his expression
"Karen tells me everything".

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