chapter seven

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you could almost see the worry start to come onto the other team member's faces. We all exchange glances at each other, other than the glare from artemis, but even she looked fairly worried. I could tell that we were all thinking the same thing, why were all our mentors here, and what did they want to talk about.

they all looked grim, as if they had something that they had to tell us, that they knew we would hate.

"kids we need to talk" superman said almost trying to gage our reactions.

"you as a team have exhibited behaviour, that we feel, you need to overcome" Martian Manhunter spoke.

"well great, this is all your fault Amethyst" Artemis acused

"MY fault, how is this my fault?" i demanded

"because everything was fine before you came along"

"Artemis that isn't fair and you know it" Wally defended

"why do you even defend her, its not even like she's been on the team very long, how do you even know we can even trust her, she won't even tell us her secret identity"

i was hurt, here she was my best friend, telling me that she couldn't trust me, and it hurt badly.

"Artemis, you don't know my secret ID, and yet you trust me" Robin was getting increasingly more upset, every time that she verbally attacked me.

"yeah well I... it's different with you" Artemis said.

"Enough, it is not entirely her fault, this distrust, was happening long before she ever came to the team, so effective immediately the team is going into lock down for the next week, where you will learn to trust each other and bond. Your various mentors have already contacted your families and schools, so they know that you will be absent for the next week, so get comfortable" the team stood in shock, Batman never lashed out like this unless he was very upset.

Batman gave us a silent signal to follow him, so we did.

The other mentors were leaving too, so we had to wait for them to leave so we could go to the batcave again.

Once we were at the batcave, where Alfred was waiting for us, with my bag because I didn't have any clothes in the cave yet.

I hugged Alfred and took the bag away from him.

"Thanks Alfred, see you in a week"

"Indeed, I also packed some cookies for the week, and extra for Mister West"

I grinned knowing how much Wally loved his cookies.

We made our way to the cave after the goodbyes.

"Recognized Robin B0-1, Amethyst B0-8"

Once at the cave dick showed me to my room, and left me there, probably to supervise the making of dinner, I walked over to the plain dresser in the room, and put the clothes from my bag inside. 

Next after i put the bag in the closet, I opened the several boxes in the room, inside I found a purple comforter with matching sheets, several purple pillow cases, a purple lamp, several purple carpets, and purple paint, I'd address the paint later, but I set everything in its proper place, and folded the boxes in the closet, making my new room clean.

I wandered down the hall leaving my comfort color behind in my room, and walked around to find the kitchen, finding dickie on the ways .

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