Chapter three

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I woke up to Alfred the next morning telling me that I'd be late for school.

"Miss daphne, if you don't wake up you are going to be late for school" his British accent lacing every word.

"Thanks Alfred" I said groggily. I hastily got out of bed, and stumbled into my closet. Dad might be able to run on an hour of sleep but I am not be able to.

I got my school uniform on, consisting on a plaid skirt, some short shorts, a white button up blouse with a black blazer, I wore black knee high boots today, it was the only thing besides hair and makeup that we could change, everything else was a requirement. I grabbed my backpack, stuffing my costume in the hidden pocket, it was hard to find so if anyone ever were to search my backpack they wouldn't be able to find my costume unless you knew what you were looking for.

I made my way downstairs, only to see dick and dad already at the table, eating breakfast. Alfred had made fried eggs, bacon, and toast.

"I'm afraid the young miss and master must leave now or they will be late."

I saw the clock and slightly gasped, quickly hurriedly shoved a piece of toast in my mouth.

"Daphs slow down or else you'll choke" dick told me with a huge dorky grin.

"Oh whatever dork" I shot him a glare.

"Daphne you and I need to talk after school, but you need to leave now or else you'll be late" dad said after a minute.

Our goodbye ritual is to kiss each other on the cheek at the same time. Apparently dad did this when he was younger, and he had to say good night to his parents. It was to show affection for each other and we always did it when someone would leave. The boys and I would never do that to each other, because a simple hug would be fine but we always did it to Bruce, and at this point it was just like saying goodbye.

"Have a great day at school sweetheart." Dad said.

"Thanks dad, have a great day at work" I waved and was about to go through the door along with dick and Alfred when I feel three sets of arms wrap around my waist, and legs since they were shorter.

"Bye daphy" Jason, Tim, and Damian all said at the same time. They all hated it when I left, even if it was to go to school, so I hugged them all individually. Jason was never much of a hugger and rarely ever showed his soft side except to me, I was his favorite. Tim loves hugs but I was his big sister and mine were the most special to him. Damian loved me, and was a lot like Jason, but just smaller and cuter.

I kissed each of their heads, giving one final good bye, and walked out the door to the car where dickie and Alfred were waiting.

Alfred pulled up in front of the school, a school where all the rich people in Gotham's high society, sent their kids for school. A lot of the kids were super snobby, and fake. Since dick and I are the kids of Gotham's richest man, people try to be our friend only because Bruce is our dad, because of this, dick and I usually stick to each other and people like Artemis and Barbara.

We walked into the main doors, moving to class. On the way I spotted the guy I have a huge crush on, so I ducked behind dick.

"Dickie hide me, he can't see me" dick just chuckled and moved so that I was in perfect view of the guy. "Dickie that wasn't very nice" I whined.

"Oh please when are you finally going to tell him you have a crush on him?"

"Because dad will flip and terrify him, plus he's just the kind of guy I like to see not actually go talk to" dick rolled his eyes. We walked into class, pulling out our textbooks to read and started one of the most boring classes I've ever attended.

As I was staring blankly at the textbook, I couldn't help but wonder what dad wanted to talk about, like why does he want to talk after school? Did I do something wrong?

The day passed fairly fast, not fast enough for me but I wanted to get home so I could know what dad wanted to talk to me about.

When dickie and I left the school building, Alfred was waiting for us per usual.

We got into the sleek, black car and made our way to Wayne Manor. It was a longish drive because Wayne manor was just outside of the city, so we had like a twenty minute drive there.

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