Alecs POV

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Sitting in the busy pandemonium club with Jace, I can see Isabelle across the room. The dim lights illuminating her features as she glanced swiftly towards us, giving us a small certified nod. She must have spotted the demon mixed between the frightful dancers.

"Get ready" Jace said under his breath, his hand slowly hovering over his sword. Standing up, I looked down at my own body. I was wearing my usual 'normal' gear -black, tight leather pants, black top and my favourite leather jacket, the one my father gave me when I was only young, yet it still fit after all this time. Jace was wearing pretty similar things as me, his top showing his wide spread figure as he strode across the room, but I guess he takes more care on his 'oh-so-perfect' hair, blonde and annoyingly perfect all this time. All the time. Isabelle had more elegant attire on, much different to her normal gear. She wore a long white Victorian dress, one which our mother gave her when she was growing up, thigh high leather boots, the only thing from her outfit that she would normally wear, and her bright ruby pendant. The pendant had been passed down the family for many years, but I heard tales of it once belonging to the famous Camille Belcourt, the ruthless head of the vampires in New York a long time ago. I doubt it is true, but things like that shouldn't be dismissed so easily.

We both edged closer to Isabelle, who was standing directly opposite to the demon, eyeing up his now male form. Watching our step, we carefully edged around the dancers, all different. Insure we spotted a couple of vampires, but they didn't seem to notice us. It, being the demon, looked like a normal, well as normal as newyork gets, man, with bright blue hair and a plain white shirt on. He almost needed in with the pandemonium crown. Almost. But before that, he took form as a girl, with long blonde hair and wearing a bright pink dress. Demons can take shape of anyone they touch, well only certain types of demons, but still. He moved his hand slowly to Isabelle's neck, his hand caressing her dark hair which hung at her shoulders. The sight of him and my sister made me sick, but it had to be done. His hand moved down, and pulled down the the collar of her lace dress , revealing her shadowhunter marks. Seeing her runes, the dark inky lines elegantly curling around her neck, he pushed her back, but her feet stayed planted firmly on the ground and a wicked smile grew on her face. With an elegant flick of her wrist, she flicked up her electrum whip and caught him around the neck, pulling him towards her, struggling against the power. I ran up to help her hold it in place, wrapping my arms around its body, while jace unsheathed the long sword from his left hand side, twiddling it between his fingers. Trying to buy time, or just to annoy me.

"Today would be nice" I growl at jace, who gave me a cold look, as I help the demon in place.

"Patients is a virtue, my dear friend" he answered with a sharp smile, still waiting time twiddling the sword around his long hands. I scowled back, wrapping my arms tighter around the demon, as it struggled under my grip. Letting out loud distressed hisses and releasing poisonous spit with its snake- like tongue.

"Fine, as you wish" he smiled, bringing the sharp sword to the demons neck, slicing it clean off, leaving the demon to turn to dust on the floor. Writhing around in what seemed like a almost effortless circle.

A sharp, petrifying, scream rose from the crowd behind us, my head whipped around at an alarming angle as I strained to see where the noise came from. There staring at us was a girl, a young, small, normal girl. She wasn't wearing shadowhunter gear, or carrying any sort of weapons, and I couldn't see any black inky runes on her skin either, so she must be, has to be, a normal girl. She was breathtaking, at the least. She was so pretty I couldn't help but stare, no matter how much my brain told me to look away, or how rude it must have seemed, I had to stare. Like I was transfixed. Under a spell. She had bright red hair, in sharp curls surrounding her oval shaped face, and delicate features which were scrunched up in shock. She looked terrified. And I honestly couldn't blame her.

"What is it?"I asked anyone who was listening, my voice full of panic. But I couldn't help but stare at her. Even if she wasn't a shadow hunter, I had to know her.

"It's a girl Alec" answered Jace sarcastically, his face pulled into a cocky grin as he glanced the girl over, "sure you've seen one before, you sister Isabelle is one"

I gave Jace a cold, hard look and quickly glanced back at the girl, hoping for a better look this time, but she was gone. Just like that.

"I though you said we had glamour!" Isabelle shouted furiously, her face flustered and her whip curled back on her wrist as a small silver snake. Elegant as she. My father always told me, a persons weapon of choice can say a lot about themselves, and looking at Isabelle, her weapon sitter her personality almost too effortlessly. Like it was made to be.

"We do!" Jace spat back. His anger showing obvious with his face turning an alarming red, bringing me back to the moment.

"Calm down!" I shout at them, making them both turn towards me. Great. Guess who has to play the good guy again. "shouldn't we sort this out? We have a girl running around telling people we killed someone. Not very usually even for us, is it! And I'm pretty sure if the clave hear about this, we won't be the ones getting an inquiry, it'll be mother and father"

"Maybe I should talk to her. I'm a girl and she might understand" Isabelle looked at me, deep in thought. Her head on a sympathetic tilt.

"Go find her then!" Jace scowled. His face grew a darker shade of red by the second. Isabelle ran out of the room glowering at Jace, her dark hair flying behind her. She ran, dodging dancers and waiters, attempting not to hit anyone on the way. Not a minute later she returned, her face red and covered with a thick sweat, panting like a maniac.

"She's not there" she looked at us both worried. "she went with her friend, I saw them get in the taxi but that was about it. But her friend shouted something about Brooklyn high street to the driver, so I'm going to take that as a hint. He was quite hot by the way, thought you'd like to know".

"Come on" I said, fed up with everyone "let's just go and tell hodge, see what he has to say" and at that we headed out of the club and back to the institute, I walked in between both jace and Isabelle, hopeful to stop any more petty little arguments between them.

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