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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.
who the fuck is calling me?
I spoke to nick, Sam and mike before 12.
They know I don't take calls today except calls from my dad he's going to call about 10 times today.

The first 3 times to say happy birthday and every time after that to say he's sorry he didn't call me earlier.

He's was usually drunk though so he wouldn't know the difference in my voice the hardest part Of it is talking to him and pretending to be Gena-Marie.

I said as I slid my phone to answer the unknown caller.

"Hello good morning Jeneéve",
instantly I recognized the voice to be Alex.

"Good morning Mr Williams how may I help you?"

" happy birthday Jen, I can tell you don't wAnt to talk to me".

"Thank you is that it?"

"Wow I get it no need to be rude, I guess I'll see you at the meeting later?"
"Sorry I'm taking a leave of absence today",

" I know it's your birthday and all but don't you think it's too big of a meeting to blow off, maybe you could attend then... "

*Blup blip

I hang up on him I don't have time for negativity.

I got out the bed did some cleaning, ate some cereal, took a shower and I'm now fully dress and ready to go to the cemetery to visit my mom and sister my phone rang but I know it's my father calling.

"Hey dad" I said with a fake smile on my face as if he's actually seeing me.

"Hey honey, I know you don't like celebrating today, but happy birthday,"
I felt the tears instantly.

"You remember,"
I said feeling
A little happy, maybe it's the meds or is it because he's actually sober.

"I remembered your birthday and also about Gena and your mom,"

"That's good dad"
in the 10 years since he as been diagnosed with Alzheimer's this is the 3rd time he as remembered about the passing of my mom and sister.

" I was a little crazy this morning though, wondering where the hell I was until I watched the videos, you wanna go to the cemetery? "

"I'm actually about to leave for there now, I'm waiting on my driver I'll come pick you up after he gets here",

"Okay my darling see you soon, I love you".

"I love you too dad."
With that I hang up I realize I was smiling, literally smiling. The day might not be so bad after all.

Tobey came about 15 minutes after my phone call with my dad, I told him we'll be picking up my dad before we go to the cemetery.

As we pulled up to the nursing home I saw my dad fighting with the security guard out front.

Shit No no no!!! As the car came to a stop I jump out and ran over to them, I had to stop this before they sedated him.

" Wait stop!"
I called out as I approached the commotion.

" I'm sorry mam but he's trying to leave"
the Guard spoke,
" Jen I told this clown I had to pick you up from airport to take you to see your mom and sister, and he won't liSten",

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