Catch Me

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Hey, guys!

So, I noticed a lot of people have been writing Synacky stories centering around the theme of mental illness, and I decided to give it a go. If you've written a Synacky much like the story I'm writing, please let me know! Plaigerism is illegal and it can go both ways, I don't want to steal someone's story idea, unconsciously or not!

Some background information you'll probably want before reading this:

Autism - Austism is a mental illness that a child is born with, and it stays with them their whole life. Children with autism tend to think differently than others, and have a difficult time understanding social cues, emotions, and people in general. They are usually geniuses in many other subjects, though. 1 out of every 88 children is diagnosed with autism.

Dissociative Identity Disorder - DID is a mental illness that can emerge after a child experiences a traumatic event. They push all those emotions aside, thus forming an alternate personality, that takes over their brain, and the person and their alter can switch back and forth, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes not. This disorder is a tricky one, because it varies so much as to how people with DID and their alters interact.

If you or someone you know has experience with autism or DID, and you are offended by the way I display these characters, please get in touch with me. I've done research, but that doesn't mean it's perfect... And if you'd like more information on either one of these disorders, get in touch with me! I'd be happy to discuss them with you, or provide you with some links so you can read some more in depth stuff.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avenged Sevenfold. The characters affiliated with it are not my own, and I claim no rights to them. I do, however, own the plot. This piece is copyrighted (All Rights Reserved) and any plaigerism of this piece can result in a fine and/or jail sentence.

Okay, guys, I hope you like this! I have a really good feeling about it, to be honest, but I won't know if you guys enjoy it unless you tell me!


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