Selfish - Madara

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He could hear her sobbing in her room. The sound of her wails and heartbreaking cries as she would hug herself weakly. Her heart broken and hopes shattered. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes would glisten with tears.

Madara knew he was, by all means, seen as the villain in this scenario. He knew this and that she would never look at him in the same way. The (h/c) female would never see him in a different light, he supposed.

However he could never actually suppress or hide his grin when he recalled a certain fact. One people could not at all deny.

Lady (First Name) (Last Name) was destined to be his wife. Destined to be by his side as his woman. Whether she liked it or not.

To him, she was the definition of 'perfect' or a 'female fatale".

A beautiful woman with a kind heart. One even he, Madara Uchiha, could not resist.

"Did you really have to do that?," he glanced at the other figure in the room whose eyes were shut, covered by bandages. Izuna held a frown on his lips, "You've broken her."

Madara smirked, "Izuna, don't even bother-"

"Madara!" Izuna bit out, his head snapped towards his brother despite not being able to see. His long longs of hair followed his every move. "She's devastated.."

"And she'll get over it." He glared down at what he viewed as inferior, red threatened to leak into onyx hues. "She's my wife. I have her soul as she has mine. She has my body as I have hers-"

Izuna smirked at his brother, "and it infuriates you to know I posses her heart and love as she holds mine."

"Know your place!" Madara growled out, hands clenched into fists.

Izuna merely remained stoic as he recalled past events that led to this, "She was mine. My fiancé given to me at birth. You were to marry the daughter of Fong Hibari, the girl Kyoya."


Izuna merely ignored his shout, "-upon the month that we had met and were meant to properly court our fiancés, you had fallen in love with her and sent Kyoya Hibari off to Mukuro Rokudo. And if she weren't to accept, then Tsunayoshi Sawada or Hayato Gokudera-"


This time, the younger brother followed his demand when he felt a hand wrapped around his neck. He could practically sense Madara's sharingan glaring at him with daggers.

However despite how much Madara told his brother, both could hear it. How softly his name fell from her lips, her voice hoarse from her constant weeping.

Even now as they fell into silence, they could hear it. He felt his heart crack and Izuna's bandages darkened from his tears.

"Izuna... I'm s-so sorry. Izuna! I-m is sorry!"

He was truly such a selfish man.

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