Still Hurts - Shisui

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She felt the blanket being pulled and groaned mentally, hugging it tighter before letting out a groan in pain. (Name) blushed at the thoughts of why it hurt before hiding her face in the blanket.

  "(Name)!" Her husband called.

   She only gave a small moan of irritation in response, pulling the blanket over her head despite her arms screaming at her not to move at all.


   No answer.

  "(Name)-chan ~!"

   No answer.

   "Wifey No.1! Please wake up!"

     Shisui watched in fascination as his beloved wife rose from her slumber, her beautiful (e/c) hues snapping open with her hair pushed away from her face as her lips moved.

   He kept his eyes on her lips, wanting to have another day of their anniversary holiday before he blinked.

   Once. Twice. Three times.

  "Did you say something (Name)?" He asked his wife, confused. "Cause I thought—"

   "I did."

  "Oh okay- wait what?" He stuttered, knowing of his wife's temper and how he'd fear to be the one receiving harm from it.

   "I said: I did!" She yelled with no hesitation, aiming a pillow at her curly-haired husband and current enemy she wanted to murder.

   "Woah!," Shisui mumbled out, dodging the pillow and flickering away from it. "Did I do something wrong?" He looked at her in concern, a pout on his lips before flickering behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

   "Let go!" She thrashed around to no avail.


  "Let go!"


  "Let go!!"

  "(NAME)!" The Uchiha accidentally let out a spike of killing intent, guilt consuming him as the (h/c) haired kunoichi froze from the sudden release. He could feel her shaking in his arms.

   "I'm so sorry.." he muttered, hugging her tightly with his nose nuzzling her hair. "I'm so sorry.Please don't be upset with me."

   "Shisui.." She felt guilty now.


    "...It.....rts.." she muttered quietly looking down and away from his prying eyes and curious face.

     He tilted his head, "What?"

     "It sti.......ts.."

      "Can you repeat that?"

      She bit her bottom lip nervously, fiddling with her hair and looking away before glancing back at her beloved's curious yet concerned onyx hues. Her cheeks lightly flushed pink.

       "It still hurts Shisui."

     She watched her husband's eyes widen at her statement, red rushing up his neck to his cheeks then to his ears in embarrassment. His hands moving to cover his face as he messily flickered away from her, back to her.

     "Shisui?" (Name) called out.


      (Name) blinked, "Shisui?" Before letting out a faint squeal as she was thrown onto the bed, her back on the soft silk and hands pinned down. She felt a leg in between hers, knee lightly grazing her crotch and blushed when she opened her eyes.

    "Shisui?" She watched in fascination as he brought his lips towards hers, eyes switching from his eyes to his lips. His eyes flickering from (e/c) orbs to a pair of lips he was so used to kissing.


"(Name)." He licked his lips.




"You're gonna hurt a lot more tomorrow." He announced before claiming his wife's lips and caressing her face.

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