A need of key - Itachi

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It's been atleast two weeks since an 'incident' and Itachi had yet to have the 'talk' with his little brother. He'd rather stall as long as he can.

Besides, Sasuke was only six, he doesn't need to have the sex talk anytime soon anyways.

Though he soon realized that maybe he was wrong and really should have given Sasuke the sex talk once the little boy innocently brought up an uncomfortable topic at dinner one night.

"So, Itachi, I thought you said that your sword was only used for peeing." Sasuke said loudly, causing everyone to pause and stare at the child with wide eyes.

The addressed male stared at his sibling in surprise, he soon gathered himself as he fixed his face back to blank, "...Yes...it is.."

"Then how come I saw you stabbing (Name) with your sword last night?" He questioned with a tilt of his head.

The Uchiha and (Last Name) in question immediately stiffened.

Dark eyes darted to capture shocked (e/c) ones.

"I thought you said you locked the door last night?" He whispered.

"I did!" She whispered back in distress, unable to bring herself to look at the shell shocked Mikoto.

Though they were whispering, Sasuke was still able to hear them since he was sitting right across from them. Digging in his pocket, he held up a screwdriver with a proud grin.

"I found out how to unlock your door, it's really easy!"

Itachi withheld a groan. He knew that lock was useless, all you had to do was stick anything skinny enough into the hole and the lock would pop open.

Still eating, Fugaku mentally noted to buy a new lock for Itachi's door.

One that actually required a key to open.

"So, do you like getting stabbed by Itachi's sword, (Name)?" Sasuke asked innocently.

The (H/c)-haired woman dropped her fork in embarrassment, barely hearing the metal collide with the wooden table.

The child continued, oblivious to the awkwardness he was raising in the room, "You looked really happy about Itachi stabbing you over and over and he looked really relaxed at the end."

Silence drifted around the table.

Fugaku took another casual bite of his food.

Digging in his pocket once again, Sasuke pulled out another item, "I saw you pull this off your sword. I didn't know it could make ice cream!" He cried, shaking the tied rubber in front of everyone.

Mikoto's eyes watered at the knowledge of her baby being exposed to such things.

Fugaku's eyebrow twitched but he continued to eat in silence.

The couple across from the child paled in horror at the used condom bouncing around in their faces. Itachi immediately shot up and snatched the rubber from his little brother's hand.

"Don't touch that, Sasuke." He scolded, hurrying off to throw away the evidence of his and (Name)'s 'activities'.

He came back just in time to hear Sasuke ask one last question.

"So, since I like you too, does that mean you'll let me stab you with my sword too when I get older, (Name)?"

It was instantaneous.

Itachi lost his footing and fell on his face.

(Name)'s face burned a bright red before she fainted and dropped face first into her food.

Mikoto shot up from her chair in tears and ran away crying about how her baby will grow up to be a pervert.

Fugaku just pretended like he didn't hear anything and kept eating.

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