False Kidnap - Shisui

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'Shisui Uchiha, Huh?'

With a sigh, you walked out the school building with hidden panic, around the corner of the street. Your eyes darted around nervously and a nervous chuckle escaped you. Come on, you're a seventeen year old! Almost eighteen! A bit too old to be kidnapped with candy..


  You jumped with a shriek, shoulders popping upwards as your head snapped sideways, imaginary tail fluffing up like the startled cat you were. Your shoulder locked up at your ears. A hiss left your lips when you made eye contact with coal orbs.

"Who the hell are you?"

The man blinked at you, before suddenly hiding his face with his collar with a small mumble. He wore a standard ninja forehead protected and a black turtleneck with matching pants. You didn't miss the appearance of a weapon pouch on his thigh or the small tanto blade on his back.

   He's kinda good looking.

  He had ruffled locks of black hair, messily framing his face. His eyes were the colour of ink, yet held his emotions like a show. The man had small dimples that added to his charm, which you noticed when he first smiled at you.

  His fashion style as a ninja was decent..

But then again, [Name] looked to the side. I never understand the fashion standards of shinobi. She looked at him with furrowed brows. Nor their obsession with bright colours when they're supposed to be sneaky.

At least he was wasn't wearing orange.

"I—uh.." The ninja started, speaking behind his collar with nervous eyes as you continued to send glare after glare at him, unaware that you were trying to hide the fact you were shamelessly checking him out successfully. "Miss [Name] Ayuzawa?..daughter of Usui Takumi?"

"That's me." You stared at him blankly, unimpressed. He's so nervous, she thought. I wonder how he does the job. "What is it?"

"I..Your mother asked me to pick you up." He fumbled around his words, starting at you with cautious eyes as though he was talking to a delicate child. Like you looked like you would run away. "I—uh Shisui  Uchiha.." It was like he was sure and unsure of his own words. "I'm to take you home."

"Oh," You hummed, your lips twitching upwards into a smirk. "Is that so?" You watched him nod at your words, mentally cackling when you watched the hero freeze at your next words. "Where's the proof?"

"W-what?—Uh.." There again, behind the top collar.

"Where's the proof that you have of this? As far as I know, you could be trying to kidnap me and I have no intention to become sold within the Black Market to people with a fetish for young girls." He gave you a look between 'are-you-serious?' + 'are-you-stupid?' + 'why-are-you-doing-this-to-me?'. Very interesting facial expressions.

Probably could sell a photo..

Heh, You smirked to yourself and lifted your phone, snapping a picture sneakily when he turned his attention to the sky with nervous mumbles. Tail swirling in mischief. Doesn't hurt me cause he's kinda good-looking. It was like you saving a picture of another bishounen. Good picture too.

You still didn't know who he was though. You had better things to do than watch people and stalk the news like watching anime, making a shrine for Lord Sesshomaru or going to meet and greets for the Attack-On-Titan actors. These heroes were irrelevant to the greatness of white-haired dog demons of feudal Era. Ah, the men.. Tomoe, Inuyasha, Kokkuri-san, Youko Kurama..ah, Sesshomaru—-

Oh yeah, I can't be late for dinner.

"I can give a general description of your mother." Oh, he's still here. [Name] looked at him with a raised brow. "Brown hair that's up to the shoulders and green eyes. A beauty mark under the left?..I think eye." He looked proud of himself for remembering such details—

"So now you're threatening me?"

"What?" He sputtered. "What are you saying?"

"You know of my mother." You glared at him. "Blackmail, huh?"

"Wha—?! No!"

"I'm a minor—! Sick bastard!"

"Yah—!" He looked so panicked when you shouted at him, hugging yourself like he was going to Chuck you into a white van that was hiding around the corner. "I'm a ninja!"

"You can still be a pedo!"

"Hey! I'm not!"

"Stay away from me!" HISSSSSs

"...you're like a cat."


"...making notes on what to say to customers already?.." You spat at him. "Sicko." Shisui looked like a kicked puppy, though you couldn't blame him. He wasn't aware that you two were going to be engaged for marriage. It was part of the wager your protective father had. Shisui would marry you, joining the Ayuzawa Clan to the Uchiha group of allies. ".. So. Where are you taking me?"

  "To your compound for your dinner." Shisui scratched the back of his head nervously, taking a glance at you. He looks cute nervous. "Your mother asked."



   You walked over to him, grabbing his hand to bring his attention back to you. He watched your lips effortlessly twist into a graceful smile and try to ignore the sudden pound of the organ in his chest. "Let's go. I can't be late."

  Shisui lit up in an instant. An excited grin took over the frown, the cute dimples appearing once more. And you could only yelp when his arms hooked under your knees and back, bringing you to rest on his chests

  "Let's go!"

  And just like that, the two jumped into the night.




  "Oh and hi, Future Wife!"

  "You knew?!"

   "Haha! You're so cute when flustered!"

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