The 'truth' - Madara

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Watching (Name) shake away the pain in her leg, and rush toward him once more, the young Madara caught sight of the little fan charm she wore around her neck. A smirk lifted on his face, as he avoided her first and second punch, before finally catching her third in the palm of his hand.

   It was time that she learned the truth.

   "W-what, Madara?"  She jerked away suddenly, as the Uchiha boy grabbed her by her upper arm and hauled her body close to his own. The blush she had been fighting back rushed forth onto her face, and her heart immediately picked up extra speed when she felt the heat of his body pressing against her own. "W-what are you—?"

   His onyx eyes looked into her wide (e/c) ones, his eyes full of an emotion she couldn't read. "(Name)."

    Trying to beat down the embarrassment that rushed through her, since her body was pressed rather close to the Uchiha's chest, She gulped beneath his softening gaze.

   What had happened to the arrogant, prideful Uchiha that refused to show any type of emotion in public?  She thought, shocked. What happened to the boy that she had known throughout her time in the Academy?

   Int he midst of her frantic thoughts, all went silent in her head when she felt a muscular hand on her cheek, caressing it as though she were made of a glass.

    "I wish to marry you."

   Her mind in chaos, despite the fluttering of her heart,(Name) of the (Last Name) Clan, felt that she had managed to pick up on what the shinobi-in-training was trying to tell her.

    Yet, as her question came out, her voice softened into a whisper. " Madara, did you—" she lifted the hand she could still move and touched the fan charm around her neck, "—did you—?"

   "I did just say it," he avoided her gaze. "And I won't repeat it." She watched as his cheeks were slowly changing pink.

   "Madara!" She exclaimed with red cheeks, watching him turn to her shyly. "I-I just.."

"What?" He was looking straight at her, but would look away quickly. "What is it?" She suddenly felt nervous.

", uhhh." She couldn't speak.

"What now?"

"Um, I-I." She gulped. "Always thought you hated me since I was close with Izuna." We were always together and close and I would always notice the red eyes glaring daggers into my head.



"Who said I hated you?"

"You did!"

Madara shook his head, "I said I didn't like you so close to Izuna." And he looked into her eyes again. "Will you let me?"

She was as red as the sharingan, "I.." Her heart was screaming for joy, her feelings finally reciprocated back and the thought of being courted by Madara excited but also scared her.

She smiled, tears in her eyes: "Yes!" And squealed as she felt Madara hold her tightly before lifting her up by her waist, a smile on his face. "I can't believe it."

Madara shook his head fondly, "Well now you know the truth now." His onyx eyes and mind were focused on her alone- on the smile that spread butterflies in his stomach.

(Name), in all of her joy, couldn't help but cry in joy- having Madara bring her into his arms in a tight embrace.


And in the midst of it all, they missed the lonely figure sitting in the tree. His long hair pulled into a ponytail over his shoulder and bangs covered his eyes.

"(Name)." He whispered in sadness as they embraced lovingly. His heart shattered and mind bitter but he knew he couldn't do it. He hadn't done it and he should have known that others would arrive for her hand.

He blinked and let the tears flow when he couldn't take it seeing their lips connect and opened his hand to reveal a golden ring.

He could never compare to his brother.

And he could only watch as she seemed to drift further from his grasp.

As the bond they had felt much looser.

As he let the ring drop to the ground in grief and defeat.

"I never got to tell you the truth."

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