Anything - Sarada

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Requested by Hakiri-chan !

"(Name), I'm going to go upstairs," Ms Uzumaki yawned. She looked at you with tired eyes from having to put up with Boruto's shenanigans once again and you gave her a smile in response. She was so pretty, so graceful even when exhausted.

Pearl-coloured eyes looked at you warmly as she headed up the stairs, "Don't stay up too late! Oyasumi, (Name)."

"Hai." The (h/c)-coloured girl nodded with a grin. "Oyasumi."

You lived with Boruto and his family, since his mother offered to look after you when you'd first joined the Hidden Leaf Village, so you waited until she fell asleep before beginning on Sarada's gift.

Baking a black tea cake was a lot harder than you'd initially thought.

Within minutes you found yourself covered in various ingredients and still nowhere closer to your goal. The damn recipe book didn't really help either. So much for being 'easy' and 'simple'! щ(ºДºщ)

You somehow managed to screw up nearly everything the cookbook had told you to do.

"(Name)?" You spun around, looking at Boruto almost guiltily. You must've been quite the sight, covered in flour, eggs, and various other things, because the blonde immediately burst into a bout of laughter. "What...? What are you doing?" He managed to ask between laughing.

"I uh..." You searched for something to say, an embarrassed flush covering your face. "I wanted to make a cake for Sarada..."

"Oh." Boruto smiled knowingly. Unbeknownst to you, nearly everyone in the class knew about how you felt towards the Uchiha. It was pretty obvious if one watched carefully enough. "Here, let me help you."

"You can bake?.." That was shocking.

Boruto blushed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, "For Himawari. She really likes cream puffs."


Pulling in a deep breath, you entered the school holding the cake Boruto helped you make. But it wasn't just a cake that you were giving Sarada, you planned to confess too with a small love letter you had written for her.

     She's probably not into me or finds me weird for doing this! And I don't want my heart to be broken— besides she's too good for me.

      With a halfhearted sigh you attempted to back out of the school without being noticed. I just know she'll reject me—
    "Hey (Name)!" Shit. You pretended not to hear and walked off only to have a hand grab your shoulder. FOR FUCKS SAKE—-

   "Yes?.." You smiled, head tilted slightly in question. "What's the matter, Chocho?"

  "What's that?" Chocho asked only to squeal at the sight of the cake in your hands. "A CAKE!" To your sinking dread, this caught the attention of your entire class— their eyes focused on you by the front of the classroom.

      Taking a deep breath, you walked over to where Sarada sat. She looked at you, confused and you felt blood rushing to your cheeks as you placed down your letter and cake.

   "Happy Birthday, Sarada!," You grinned with pink cheeks. "This is for you!"

     "Thank you, (Name)-chan." The Uchiha smiled back with a nod. Her onyx hues softened at the sight of you behind red glasses but then held a question. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?..."


Boruto looked at you from his seat, his hands put together as he cheered you on quietly. His blue eyes held a shine of hope as he watched you grab Sarada's hand.

   "Come on (Name)!"


Calming your quick beating heart you began the long confession that you'd spent days preparing with bright red cheeks, your eyes avoiding her black ones.

    "I realize that we haven't known each other for a long time and I personally don't want to ruin what we have now but I feel like I need to say this. I love you and have since we met. I was so afraid that I was going to ruin the relationship we had that I haven't said it yet and it's totally fine if you don't ,you know, return the feelings but I wanted to get them out sooner rather than later, and I thought that this was the time to do that." Awkwardly you rubbed your arm, thinking of what to say next. "So, um... once again...Happy Birthday."

    She's going to reject me and I'll die a sad and lonely death—or become a crazy cat lady who has no friends or social life and DIE WHEN I REALISE IM ALL ALONE——




     "I'll go now I gue—-" You turned around only to cut off by hand grabbing your collar and yanking you forward straight onto soft lips.

   Sarada's lips.

    She pulled away and looked at you with pink cheeks, "Anything would have been fine for my birthday, (Name)," The way she said your name sent shivers down your spine.

   "But this has made my day."

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