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Author notes

Before we get into the prologue for those who don't read my previous books, you need to read it because this is kind of the continuition. There are some scene and references from the previous books. If you still don't want to then OK but you won't know the characters that well.

Books in order:

1.Secret Diary (Exo chanyeol #1)
2. Love Game(Exo Baekhyun #2)
3.Phone Switch(Exo Chen #3)


Lee Soo Mi

I've been alone for so long I've got used to it by now.

I guess you could call me lonely, but over time I have learned how to lessen the pain.

This was because of my personality that everyone hates.

I have a mean and hurid personality that everyone despise.

Well I had bullied someone before, but that didn't turn out good.

Throughout my life I have been treated badly. I think that's why I pushed them away.

That day my phone switched with someone that change my life completely because I've met him "Kim Jongdae, Chen"

Main characters
1.Lee Soo Mi

2.Kim Jongdae (Chen)

Kim Jongdae (Chen)

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2.Park Chanyeol

Park Chanyeol

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3.Nam Yi Soo

4.Byun Baekhyun

Minor Characters Other Exo members

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Minor Characters
Other Exo members


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