Chapter 3

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I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of my covers before letting my blue eyes see the sun's rays.

I woke up with a great dream. I really hope I get that dream again. I look at the time it was 10am in the morning. Today is a Saturday so, I will be at home in bed doing actually nothing. I get the phone on the bed at the bedside table and see. My eyes went wide when I saw.

30 messages coming from him and 10 miss calls. Why would he send me this many messages and calls.

I just ignored it and snooped through his phone. Wow he does do a great selfies. As I was scrolling his pictures I smile while doing it. Wow I am so shocked that he doesn't have social media accounts like Instagram or anything I thought in my head.

As I was scrolling I accidentally clicked something and pop up, a picture of Chanyeol. Wait a minute, they know each other. I put the phone on vibrate and put it on the table and I was getting ready to go to the showers.

I stepped into the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor.The shower turns on at the press of a button, the perfect pressure and temperature. The new ones are voice command, but I don't want to chat with my shower. Give me silence and running hot water, it's all I want.

My mind was in shreds; I would never get that picture out of my mind. That he has my phone and has mine. Why him? My eyes fell closed over and over, each time showing me the images like photographs.

As I was done showering I wrapped myself with a towel and looked at the phone. He still texting me and calling me wow. I put the phone on vibrate.

I picked a basic pink shirt with some ripped jeans. I don't care what I wear as long as it is comfortable it is good for me. As I was wearing my clothes, the phone vibrates again. Can he just leaves me alone. Why he wants to talked to me that much? He so weird, he never change, wait what am I saying he will act the same way as everyone does to me when he met me, pushed me away because I am mean to others.

As I was done getting dressed, I took the phone and put it in my Jean's pocket and went downstairs. It's quiet. There were no noise what so ever. I looked away the living room and the kitchen. No one here. I saw a note at the refrigerator. I picked it up and the note said"Soo Mi your dad and brother are going somewhere for the holiday. Sorry you can come. "

I stared at the note for a minute and I could feel I was a bit sad and my eyes were a bit watery. I sticked the note back and looked through the kitchen to see what to eat for breakfast. As I was pouring milk to my cereal. He called me again but this time I picked it up.

"About time you picked up?" he said with his smoothing voice of his.

"What do you want?" I replied while eating my breakfast and that is cereal. My mom, dad and my brother are not home. They went out. We'll this is normal, I always ended up at home alone.

"Why is your voice a bit down" he asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I said trying to say that I am fine. But deep down I am not.

"When are we going to meet to switched our phones back?" he asked politely.

"Well.. How about this we meet next 2 weeks at the park because it's the weekend and I don't want to travel OK understand Chen" I said firmly to him.

"OK what ever you say beautiful" he replied I could feel a smirked plastered on his face.

"Can you stopped calling me that.. I hate that word so much" I replied with an angry tone. I was so annoyed with him. Just calm down.

"What should I called you then?... Umm I know how about telling me your name" he said with a low tone.

"I know what you trying to do... you wanted to know my name... Well too bad I will never ever say my name to you" I replied back roughly to him.

"Well if you don't tell me then I will call you beautiful then" he replied to me and it made me triggered.

This is me right now

This is me right now

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Awww... Cute - Chen
Message sent

"It's not cute I'm really angry... bye I don't want to talk to you anymore" I replied to him harshly. I was really annoyed because of his teasing.

"Wait beautiful... one last thing" he said to me to stopped from hanging up on him.

"Make it quick, I don't have all day" I replied and I am still annoyed.

"I'm sorry about that... I love the named beautiful... It's because I like your voice its soothing to my ears" he appologized to me by explaining it.

As he was saying that I was just kept quietly with no words going out from my mouth and I could feel My face becoming all rossy red. I'm I blushing, I thought of that and feel my cheeks with my two hands.

"So tell me about yourself?" he asked me out of nowhere.

Why do he want to know about me? I'm just a weird mean girl that everyone hates.

"Why? Why do you want to know about me... my life is boring" I replied curiously at him.


How is the story so far? Yes it will be mostly Chen and Soo Mi texting or calling each other. Don't forget to vote and comment. It means a lot.

 It means a lot

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