Worth It?

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Tell me what I'm feelin' isn't some mistake.

'cause if anyone can make me fall in love,

You can.

Luke and Jai were walking around in a mall as they got plenty of judgmental stares from people. Luke didn't care at all. As a matter of fact, he would hold Jai's hand tighter and swing their arms back and forth to make it even more noticeable to other people that the two were together.

Luke suddenly got an idea and stopped swinging Jai's hand, only to drag him into a store. Jai didn't fight him though. He just giggled and let himself be pulled by Luke. Luke continued to pull Jai to the back of the store until he found what he was looking for. When he did, he grabbed two hats that looked very similar to each other. One had more red, and one had more blue but, overall the two hats looked the same. Luke went to pay for the two without telling Jai anything. Jai only watched Luke's actions in confusion.

When Luke came back, he pulled one hat onto Jai's head, and the other onto his own.

"There we go!" Luke said with a smile.

"They're cool but, why'd you buy them?" Jai asked.

"Because, if people were gonna stare, I wanted us to look good!" Luke replied like it was obvious. Jai laughed and wanted to ask a Serious question but Luke had to big of a smile on his face and Jai didn't want to ruin it so, the two continued their walk in the mall.

When they finally left the mall, it was dark outside but, they didn't mind. Jai has had the urge to ask Luke a question since he bought the hats but, he held hit in. Until now.

"Luke, did you ever think loving me was a mistake? Don't get me wrong though, I love you more than anything but, we get judged all the time and we get a lot of hate. I just don't want it to be too much for you." Jai let a tear roll down his face because, he was truly afraid of the answer.

Luke stopped walking and wiped away Jai's tear.

"Jai, loving you wasn't a mistake. I can assure you that. I love you and I don't care what I have to put up with to do so. You're worth it to me so, It'll never be too much. Please don't cry though, it makes me sad too. You should never cry because, I hate seeing it." Luke said and Jai smiled a soft smile because, Luke loved him. Loving Jai wasn't a mistake in Luke's eyes. What more could Jai ask for?


Jai held the two hats in his hands as he stared at the designs on them. These hats were important to him, and he would never get rid of them. He simply put them in his drawer under some clothes so no one would find them. The hats needed to be safe from everyone because, they held so many memories that they were valuable.


It was Luke standing by his bedroom door.


"Um...I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall? There's one nearby I think. You don't have to but, I looked up some malls nearby and I found one so, I thought you might've wanted to-"

"I'd love to." Jai interrupted Luke's nervous ramble. Luke smiled and the two headed to the same mall Luke used to take Jai quite often.

As they walked around, people stared at them because, Jai was holding Luke's hand. Luke became worried and self-conscious so, he pulled Jai into a store.

"Why did you?-" Jai asked confused but Luke interrupted with,

"Just wait here." then he disappeared towards the back of the store and Jai just stood by himself.

When Luke came back, he was a holding a bag.

"What's in the bag?" Jai asked.

"I think you'll like it!" Luke said as he pulled out two hoodies.

One was red and had "I'm His" stitched on it's back and the other was blue with "He's Mine" stitched on the back of it.

Jai had the biggest smile on his face as Luke handed him the red one. Jai put it on and Luke asked,

"Do you like them?"

"I love them! You didn't have to though..."

"Of course I did! If people are gonna stare, I want them to know who they're staring at." Luke smiled and took hold of Jai's hand. Jai smiled and the two walked throughout the mall together hand in hand.

When it was time to go, they walked through the dark just like they used to. Well, at least Jai knew they used to.

"Can I ask you something Jai?" Luke popped a question out of nowhere.

"What is it?"

"It's not wrong to love you right?"

Jai felt tears well up in his eyes as he began to think thoughts that Luke may be second guessing the love he had for Jai but, he managed to say,

"Well it depends. I love you and I don't care what the world thinks. It depends if everything gets too much for you. I'll love you no matter what decision you make though." Jai couldn't hold in his tears anymore. He felt tears roll down his face and Luke stopped to face him.

"Of course I love you Jai! I was just-"

"How can you love someone you don't even remember?" Jai asked as he cried.

"I don't need to remember everything we've done together to know that I love you. There's something about you I know I won't find in anyone else and a part of me feels like I've known you all my life! If there's anyone I could ever fall in love with, it's you." Luke said as he wiped away Jai's tears.

"Please don't cry Jai! You're worth so much to me and seeing you cry makes me sad. I'm gonna show what's it like to be happy forever but, you'd have to stay with me. Will you?"

Jai looked at Luke dead in the eyes and he said,

"How could I not?"

They both smiled and continued their walk back home. When they finally made it home, Jai and Luke snuggled together until they fell asleep.

Luke loved him. Jai was still worth it in Luke's eyes. What more could Jai ask for?


Thank you for all the lovely comments on the previous chapters!! <3

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