My Hero

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Only you can take me sailin' in your deepest eyes.
Bring me to my knees and make me cry.

Luke and Jai were walking along the dock by the nearby beach. They walked to its edge and Luke held Jai's hand tighter as Jai looked over the edge. Jai always did that and no matter what, it always made Luke nervous.

"Why do always look over the edge whenever we come out here?" Luke asked. Jai shrugged and said,

"I don't know....why? Are you scared that I'll fall or something?" Jai asked and Luke nodded and pulled Jai back into his arms and spun him around and it made Jai laugh. Everything about that moment was perfect. The night sky, the ocean, the soft sound of the waves hitting the dock, and the two of them together in each others arms.

"Would you save me?" Jai asked.
"Of course! If never let go of you Jai. I'd do anything to keep you safe." Luke said. Jai smiled and hugged him.

"You're my hero." Jai said softly and Luke swore he'd never forget those words.

"I'd always save you Jai. I promise." Luke said and then Jai had a smile on his face and the feeling that nothing could hurt him because, he was in the arms of his own superhero.

Luke and Jai were walking along the beach together hand in hand. They would laugh from time to time and simply enjoy each others company.

They walked to the dock and sat at the edge. It was late so, they got to see the stars and the moon reflect on the ocean water. It was beautiful. Jai leaned his head on Luke's shoulder and Luke wrapped an arm around Jai's shoulder. It was perfect. Everything about that moment was perfect. The night sky, the ocean, the soft sound of the waves hitting the dock, and the two of them together in each others arms.

As they looked out to sea, they saw a whales tail lift up out of the water then splash back down, causing a mist of water to form in the air.

"Woah! Luke did you see that?!" Jai said in excitement and Luke thought it was a adorable.

"Yes I did Jai." Luke said with a laugh and Jai moved closer to edge of the dock. Luke became more nervous as Jai did so but, he let Jai do as wished.
Luke heard a quiet cracking sound but, maybe it was the water?

"Jai why don't you scoot back some yeah? You're making me nervous." Luke said because, he didn't want to take any chances. Jai looked back at Luke at saw the hint of fear in his eyes. He began to move back towards Luke but, he heard something so he froze.

"What is it?" Luke asked and Jai put a finger to his lips as a sign for Luke to be quiet. Luke was confused but, he listened for a sound as well and after a few minutes of silence both Luke and Jai heard a loud 'CRACK!' from beneath them.

They both knew what that meant and Jai's breathing became more erratic, causing his chest to rise and fall rapidly. Luke took a deep breath and slowly moved closer to Jai.

"Jai? Baby hang on alright? I'm coming to get you, just don't move." Luke tried to say as calmly as possible. The more Luke moved, the more 'cracks' the boys began to hear and the more nervous they became. Eventually, Luke was close enough to reach Jai's hand to hold. As Luke took Jai's hand in his own, he could almost feel the speed of Jai's heart beat. Jai was so scared and he began to let tears roll down his face.

"Jai listen to me okay? We're gonna be okay. Listen to my breathing and try to copy me alright? Can you do that?" Luke said as he took deep breaths for Jai to imitate.

Jai shook his head and began to cry harder as he heard another loud sickening 'crack'. Though this time, the dock couldn't stand any longer. It began to collapse with Luke and Jai on it, taking the both of them with it into the cold dark water. See the water was beautiful but, it's icy cold and airless features made it a dangerous and deadly type of beauty.

They lost each other's grip and fell vulnerably into the icy water. Jai closed his eyes as he went under the surface of the water. His lungs tightened as his body begged for more air. He opened his eyes under water and ignored the stinging sensation as he focused on the only thing he could see, which was darkness. Endless darkness. He didn't know which way was up, which way was down, or weather he should go left or right. His head got cloudy as his body began to shut down from lack of air. The only thing he could think about was his Luke. All he wanted was his Luke!

Luke was struggling to find his way to the surface of the water as well. When he managed to find it, he gasped and coughed up water. He began to look around and desperately search for his Jai. Water kept splashing in his face and from time to time, a wave would drag him back under water. He thrashed his legs around as he fought to stay above water.

"Jai where are you!" He yelled over the roaring of the ocean. He coughed and tried to swim around in search of his Jai. It was hard though because, the water currents would pull him in a different direction then where we wanted to go.

Jai still struggled to find the suffice of the water and he was almost convinced that he was going to drown. Though, he heard a muffled voice. It sounded like....Luke?
It said,

"Jai please! Jai where are you!"
Jai recognized the voice and somehow found the strength in himself to kick his legs as hard as he could and he used his arms to try force his body towards the surface. He managed to reach the surface after what felt like forever and he gasped and coughed up all the water in his lungs. The sweet air filled his lungs and he tried to keep himself above water.

"Luke? Luke I'm over here!" Jai tried to yell with a raspy voice. Luke heard Jai's voice and snapped his head towards it. He saw Jai and began to swim towards him as best as he could and Jai did the same.

Once they made it close to each other, Luke reached a hand out towards Jai and Jai used all the strength he had to reach for it without getting pulled under by the water. Jai was able to reach it, and they locked hands with each other.

"DO NOT LET GO OF HAND!" Luke yelled over the deafening noise and Jai coughed and sputtered as he struggled to keep himself above water.

"I'm trying Luke but,.....I-I don't....think I can do this!" Jai weakly said between coughs and Luke only held Jai's hand tighter.

"Yes you can Jai! Just hold on to me alright?!" Luke said and Jai nodded. Luke moved closer to Jai and wrapped an arm around him to try and keep him above water. He had to use all the strength in his legs to be able to kick himself and Jai towards land. He used one arm to paddle them towards shore and Jai grew weaker and weaker.
After what seemed like hours of endless swimming and struggle for air, Luke began to grow tired. His legs grew numb and water was so cold now that he thought about it.

"Luke? Luke I can't feel my legs!" Jai panicked as he tried to help Luke swim. Luke could hear the distress and fear in Jai's voice so, with all the strength he had left, he swam to the closest piece of floating wood from the remains of the dock and lifted Jai onto it. Jai helped himself up then pulled Luke onto it as well. They collapsed on the piece of wood that was shaped like a large raft and they breathed heavily.

The 'raft' slowly floated towards shore and eventually made it there. The feeling of the ground beneath the 'raft' made the boys feel relived and secure.

" saved me." Jai said as he shook.

"I remember a promise that I made to you Jai....about how I'd always save you ....I meant it......because, I love you." Luke said between breaths. Jai's eyes beamed as Luke mentioned the promise he made to him all those years ago. How did Luke remember that? Anyway, pushing his questions aside, Jai lifted himself up and leaned over Luke as he said,

"I love you too." Luke smiled and stared deep into Jai's eyes.

"You know, your eyes are just like the water." Luke said. Jai scrunched his eyebrows in confusion and asked,

"I don't know, I feel like anyone could drown in them and the only person who could save them, would be you. I like to think that you saved me though." Luke said blushing like mad. Jai could only smile as he hugged his hero.
"You're my hero." Jai said softy and laid his head on Luke's chest. Luke smiled and pulled Jai tighter into him. Luke remembered those words. He remembers Jai saying it to him before but, he just can't remember when?
"I'd always save you Jai." Luke said and then Jai fell asleep with a smile on his face and the feeling that nothing could hurt him because, he was in the arms of his own superhero.
I thought I'd give u guys more of a thrilling edgy chapter! Hope u all like it;)
Thoughts? Comments? Favorite parts?
Luv u all! <3

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