☂Music In The Rain☂

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And no one's ever done this,
Everything was just a lie.
And I know, yes I know...

"Jai Jai c'mon! It'll be fun!" Luke said as he tried to pull Jai towards their front door. It was raining outside and Luke was determined to take Jai out with him.

"No it's raining Luke!" Jai whined as he tried to pry away from Luke's grasp.

"Exactly! It'll be fun! C'mon please?" Luke said with a puppy dog face and Jai couldn't say no.

"Fine!" Jai huffed and let himself be dragged outside. Luke smiled and held Jai's hand as he led the both of them outside to witness the rain falling from the sky. Once they were outside, Jai immediately felt rain hit his head and begin to soak his shirt. He felt the rain drops kiss his skin and he looked up at the sky. It was grey but, you could clearly see showers of rain.

Jai looked at Luke and saw that Luke was just as wet as he was. He smiled and Luke said,


"Where?" Jai asked but, Luke only held Jai's hand tighter and then began to run which dragged Jai behind him. They ran through the rain and their bodies became soaked with every step and they ran through puddles that drowned their feet. They made it to an open field and Luke took both of Jai's hands in his own.

Luke looked at the way Jai's hair was matted to his head and how Jai's shirt was drenched. Water was dripping from the side of Jai's face and Luke got lost in Jai's eyes.

"What are you staring at?" Jai asked with a smile Luke lived for.

"Someone beautiful." Luke said and Jai's heart fluttered at the words.

"Dance in the rain with me." Luke said and moved closer to Jai so they were now chest to chest. Jai smiled and as the two began to dance in the rain. They spun and held tightly onto one another. Their feet moved with ease as the rain provided a soft music for them to dance to. A music only the two of them could hear.

At one point, Luke pulled Jai as close as he could into him and he said,

"No ones ever done this to me before."
"Done what?" Jai asked.

"Make me love them more than the flowers love the rain. I want all of you forever, you and me, every day." Luke spoke the words his heart had longed to say.

"Then I'm yours forever, me and you, every day." Jai replied with the words his heart couldn't have been more sure of.


Jai sat by his window as rain fell from the sky. So many memories fell with every drop of rain. He opened his window and stuck his hand out of it so that he could feel the drops hit his hand. As the water landed on his hand, Jai remembered the way he and Luke used to dance in it. Now, only he remembered.

Jai heard steps behind him that came closer and closer and Jai turned to see that Luke had come and was now standing behind him. Luke sat next to Jai and Jai laid his head on Luke's shoulder.

"Can you hear that?" Jai asked with a as he listened intently to a familiar sound. Luke then tried to hear for anything specific but, all he heard was the sound of the rain.

"The rain? Yes."

"Yes but, can't you hear what it's doing?" Jai asked and Luke stretched his out into the rain just like Jai was doing. Luke closed his eyes as he felt the rain drops land onto his hands. As Luke's eyes were closed, Luke could picture two people dancing in the rain together. He saw one holding on to the other tightly and they both looked so happy! Why was he seeing these things?!

Luke snapped his eyes open and was breathing heavily. He thought of something though.

"Jai? Can I try something?" Luke asked and Jai just nodded. Luke stood up and began to climb out of the window. The window wasn't high from the ground so, when he made it outside he held out a hand for Jai to take.

"What are you doing?! It's raining!" Jai asked from inside.

"Just come with me please! I need to try something." Luke said with his hand still held out to Jai. Jai reached out and took Luke's hand so that Luke could help Jai out of the window and outside under the rain.

When they both finally stood outside together, Luke took Jai's hand and began to lead them further away from the house.

Once they made it far enough away from the house, they stood in front of each other and Jai could do nothing but look at the way Luke's hair was matted to his head and how Luke's shirt was drenched. Water was dripping from the side of Luke's face and Jai got lost in Luke's eyes. Just like Luke had once did to him.

"The rain is making music!" Luke said with a smile and he looked up at the grey sky. Jai smiled in return because, now, he wasn't he only one that could hear it. He was so afraid that Luke wouldn't be able to hear it anymore but, he didn't have to worry any longer because, Luke could hear it!

"Yes and it's beautiful." Jai said.

"Like you." Luke told Jai and
Jai blushed.

"Dance in the rain with me." Luke said and Jai's heart fluttered at the familiar words.

As the two began to dance in the rain, they spun and held tightly onto one another. Their feet moved with ease as the rain provided a soft music for them to dance to. A music only the two of them could hear.

"Is this what you wanted to try?" Jai asked as their dancing came to a slow.

"Yeah. I saw it when I closed my eyes and I wanted to do it with you." Luke told him and Jai's eyes widened. How could this be?! Did Luke see a memory? No, it couldn't be because, the doctors said that Luke had lost them all.

"D-did you see who the two were?" Jai questioned but, Luke only shook his head.

"No but, I do know that any other love that I've ever been in was a lie because, no one as ever made me feel this way." Luke said with a smile.

"Feel like what?" Jai asked and memories of what Luke had once told him filled his head.

"Make me feel like I love them more than the flowers love the rain.-" Luke began to say and Jai knew what Luke was going to day after that so he said,

"I want all of you forever, you and me, every day." Jai and Luke said in union.

Luke smiled and Jai said,

"Then never forget the music the rain makes for you and me."


Luke said and he meant it. They continued to dance in the rain and now, more memories were held within the showers of the rain. Maybe the doctors were wrong?

Finally an update!

Tell me what you think! ;)
Ily all♥︎

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