Big Bad World

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Baby, when you look at me,

Tell me, what do you see?

Are these the eyes of someone you could love?

Luke walked into his room after what may have been the WORST DAY OF HIS LIFE! He collapsed on his bed with a sigh and closed his eyes. He had just finished arguing with his mum, yelled at Beau, and watched his computer crash because, Beau thought it would be funny to download as many viruses as possible into one computer. Which so happened to be Luke's computer. When he thought he could finally relax, he heard running come towards his room.

"Luke! Luke! Luke!" Jai yelled as he jumped on top of Luke. As angry as Luke was at the world, he didn't have the heart to yell or hurt Jai. He never would anyway. He opened one eye and saw Jai with the happiest gleam in his eyes. Luke couldn't help but smile and he asked,

"What's gotten you so happy Jai?" Jai giggled and said,

"Nothing! I just love you!" Jai said and Luke smiled because, even on Luke's worse days, Jai always found a way to make Luke smile. Jai was perfect to Luke and Luke was perfect to Jai.

"I love you too Jai!" Luke said and pulled Jai down for a hug. Jai laughed and it was music to Luke's ears. They continued to cuddle and Jai said,

"Are you sad anymore?"

Luke shook his head and said,

"I can't be sad when you're with me Jai."

"Aww aren't you the mushy type!" Jai said with a laugh. Luke blushed and they continued to cuddle with each other. Jai turned his head to face Luke's eyes and he stared into them.

"What do you see?" Luke asked as he noticed Jai staring at him.

"Someone I could love." Jai said with a smile and for the rest of the day, they both laid in each other's arms knowing that together, they were safe from the big bad world.


Luke was so done with today. He was annoyed with everything, he wanted to yell at everyone, and he was willing to argue with anything! He jumped on his bed and buried his face into his pillow then screamed at the top of his lungs out of anger. It was muffled but, it was still pretty loud.

"Lukey! Luke! Luke!" Jai yelled as he ran into Luke's room and laid on top of him. Luke huffed in annoyance and snapped,

"What do you want Jai!?"

Jai frowned and said,

"I just thought you needed a cuddle cause you seem angry. I love you Luke!" Jai said happily trying to lift Luke's mood.

"Well no thanks, I don't need anyone right now." Luke said quite rudely.

"Are you sure? A cuddle always makes you feel better-" Jai tried to insist but, Luke interrupted,

"Yes I'm freaking sure!! Can you leave me the heck alone! You're so annoying and I'm kind of glad I don't remember some things because, I don't think I would be able to take you anymore! Just leave!" Luke yelled, and pushed Jai off the bed and caused him to hit the side of his face on a nightstand. Jai cried out as he hit it and the side of his face began to bleed. Not to mention that he had the biggest headache of his life as well now.

Luke realized what he had done and jumped out his bed to try and help Jai. Luke reached a hand out towards Jai and Jai flinched. Jai thought Luke was going to hit him. Hurt him. Luke's heart broke at thought that Jai was afraid of him. Jai should never be afraid of anything but, by the look in Jai's eyes, Jai was afraid of Luke.

Luke pulled his hand back and Jai stared in Luke's eyes. Jai saw a monster And he scrambled to his feet and ran out of the room. Jai ran to the guest room and locked the door. He curled up in himself behind the door and cried into his arms. Blood got all over his sleeves but, he didn't care. Luke hurt him and Jai was afraid.

Luke ran after him but, Jai slammed the door and locked it before Luke could reach it.

"Jai? Baby please open the door. I didn't mean for any of this to happen! I was annoyed and angry and you were just trying to help. I'm so sorry." Luke began to cry as well and Jai didn't answer.

"Jai please answer! I saw you staring at my eyes a minute ago....what did you see babe?" Luke said trying to get Jai to speak to him.

"A monster." Luke heard a soft voice from the other side of the door. Luke let a tear roll down his face and wanted to punch himself for the mistake he made.

"Jai I'm sorry-"

"I want my old Luke back!! Please just bring him back to me!" Jai yelled and sobbed desperately. Luke cried because, how could he bring the 'old' Luke back? The 'old' Luke is gone and Jai couldn't accept that.

That night, Luke slept on one side of the door and Jai slept with a bloody face on the other. They both slept alone, cold, and vulnerable to the big bad world.



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