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Devan's Pov

I wake up with Ember snuggled up next to me, her head dug Into my neck. I looked at her sleeping, The next thing I knew, she was screaming and crying, kicking at me pushing me away, still while sleeping. "BABE! IT'S OKAY!" She continued to scream , I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into a kiss. She went to pull away it then she started to pull closer, she started to pull me under her. I grabbed her by the waist and rolled over so that she was on top of me. My arms started to go up her shirt go finding her seem and following it until I felt another fabric what is this? It's her bra moron! I thought to myself.

" Whoa! " she said "That's far enough"

"Are you alright? " I ask "You we're screaming and kicking."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Isn't your brother's party today?" She asked me

"Yeah it's today," I stood up to leave but she screamed my name.

"Hey handsome!" I turned around " Go put on trunks? " I nodded and walked into my room put on black Swim trunks and I walked back over. Ember was in tight red bikini. I looked her up and down. She took my breath away every time I looked at her. She took off the black shirt that she slept in. She went into the shower and stood there for the water to get warm. I stepped in and then we were having another little scene with the water running off us.

"Babe, you know your gorgeous? Right?" I ask as we have been waiting for nothing for 5 minutes. She nods "Well, good" She grabbed the back of my neck and leaned up to me and I leaned down to her oue lips locked. She poked her tongue at my lips through the kiss and my tongue meet hers'. After five minutes of making out she pulled away and started to shower like she said she would. I got out and threw  pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a sweatshirt. I got onto YouTube while waiting for Ember.

Ember's Pov

I got out of the shower thinking I'm going to tell Dev about my night terrors. I got them when I was there years old, I don't know how and I don't know why but I lived with them my whole life. I went or talk to him then "Shit!" Devan yelled , "We gotta go to Collins's place." I threw in jeans and a lavender tank top with black vans and walked out the door with a little black bag on my back. The bag held my keys and wallet and other important stuff, like my drivers license.

On the way to Collins house I decided to tell Dev about the night terrors, " Dev? " I asked

"Yeah beautiful?" He said

" about this morning? " I went on "I've felt with those sense I was three" He seemed shocked "I've learned to deal with them but I didn't mean to hurt you."

" Ember the only thing that is important to me is, your health you mean everything to me. " He grabbed my hand still still with his eyes on th s road but I know that he cares. I smiled and blushed a dark shade of red, he giggled a low, sexy laugh under his breath.

(Chapter written by izzy-the-dancer ❤️ u girl)

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