episode 15 Enemy Squad Appears

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Ash and friends are now walking down road thinking about their recent captures smiling about the new pokemon they just can't wait to take care of.

Misty was for once smiling and not scowling probably about the fact that she got two water types and an ice and psychic type. She couldn't wait to start training them when they were ready.

Ritchie raise a brow, "What's with the dopey face?"

She looked at him, "I can't wait to start training my new pokemon! I'm so excited!"

"Figures..." Ritchie sighed.

Ash looked at his friend, "You say that but your probably excited yourself right Ritchie?"

The boy was about to respond but noticed what Ash was holding in his arms, which was Fennekin, "By the way Ash, why are you carrying Fennekin anyway?"

Fennekin glared at Ritchie not liking what he was implying Ash just smiled scratching her head, "Because Fennekin wanted to stay outside and spend sometime with the others. Besides I don't mind having her out here with me at all."

"Fenne (Bleh)!" she stuck her tongue out at Ritchie making the others laugh.

"What about Meowstic? How come you don't have her out?" Molly asked.

Ash looked at his sister, "She wanted to stay at Lorenzo for awhile to introduce herself to the new pokemon. I think she's just happy to have other psychics to talk to in the Secret Garden." he smiled.

Luxray stilled and growled alerting everyone, "What's wrong Luxray?" the boy was concerned is there something dangerous lurking around here somewhere. He noticed the electric type growling at the ground in front of them making Ash understand why he was growling in the first place. The raven-haired teen picked up a nearby rock and tossed it in front of them when it hit the ground a pitfall was discovered as the rock landed in the same spot that would have been them if they had kept walking.

"What just happened?" Ritchie asked.

"It was a trap!" Brock exclaimed.

"Setting traps is bad!" Molly said to no one particular.

"Ursa (Very bad)!"

"Petil (Its mean)!"

"That's right!" Misty agreed.

Ash's eyes narrowed thinking that maybe this was done by Team Rocket but didn't see them anywhere.

"Squirtle (It failed)!"

Before him stood five Squirtle's wearing sunglasses except the one in the front whose glasses were different than the rest. Must be the leader.

"Are you the ones responsible for this?" Misty yelled, "You shouldn't do that! Somebody could've gotten hurt!"

"Squirtle Squirt Squirtle (Zip it red-head)!" the middle one with the pointy glasses said.

Ash sweat-dropped, "Um..okay."

Misty fumed, "What did it say Ash?" she growled.

"You sure you want me to tell you?" he asked.

The leader looked at Ash in surprise thinking there's no way a mere human could understand him.

"Squirtle Squirt (You human)!" the leader called out.

"Huh?" Ash turned back to the Squirtle's.

"Squirtle Squirt Squirt Squirtle (Can you understand us)?" the leader demanded to know.

He smiled at the water type, "You said and I quote 'Zip it red-head' unquote."

"What was that you little turtle?!" Misty growled Darkly.

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