episode 18 battle at S.S Ann

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Ash woke up to find himself absolutely nowhere. There was no light just darkness, looking around all he saw was darkness but he could see his hands clear as day. What's going on?

"Pikachu! Molly! Ritchie! Brock! Misty! Where are you?!" he called out hoping to see his friends, sister, and his best friend anywhere but to his disappointment he didn't see them. Sighing he decided to walk around through the endless darkness seeing as how there was really nothing else for him to do. He kept on walking until eventually he saw a small flicker of light in the distance, thinking it might be an exit he ran straight towards it the light glowing brighter and brighter the more he kept running to it.

When he was close enough his whole body was engulfed in the bright white light causing him to shield his eyes because of the intensity of it. When the light died down he deemed it safe to open his eyes, but when he did nothing could prepare him for what he saw. There right in front of him stood two human sized test tubes, one with a little girl inside who had green hair, and the other one had a bipedal humanoid pokemon with feline features gray skin, purple tail, and two blunt horns. Both had their eyes closed almost as though they were sleeping. But what's confusing is why Ash is here with only these two and nothing else.

"Why are they in these test tubes? Are they sick?" Ash muttered to himself still staring at the sleeping girl and pokemon. He saw both the girl and pokemon's eye twitch making him flinched a little but then relaxed when he realized they were about to wake up. They opened their eyes at the same time allowing Ash to get a good look at them, the girls was blue while the pokemon's was purple. He noticed something about the pokemon's eyes they looked so...human like.

"You're here."

Ash turned around on instinct thinking the voice came from behind him but to his surprise he didn't see anyone. It sounded feminine almost like a little girl, she sounded so happy.

"Your finally here." It spoke again.

The boy's eyes grew wide and turned back to the test tubes and saw the little girl in front of him smile with so much excitement and happiness. Why was she so happy to see him?

"We've been waiting for you." this time it was a males voice that spoke.

Ash snapped his head in the direction of the pokemon something telling him that the male voice was coming from the pokemon that was staring at him. The pokemon's voice sounded like it was yearning for something and for some reason he felt like it was directed towards him.

After getting over his shock he finally found the will to speak, "Just now, that voice was it you?"

He could be imagining it but he was sure he saw the pokemon smile at him. It amazed him just how human like this pokemon is, and the way it's communicating with him is through telepathy, which told Ash that this pokemon must be a psychic type.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the little girl bring her hand up to the glass, on instinct Ash did the same both their hands touching the glass at the same time. He noticed the pokemon was doing the same thing so Ash brought his other hand up to the glass at the same time the pokemon did. It was strange but he felt content with these two, despite the fact that he's never met them before. A smile crept to his face feeling as though he just made a special connection with these two. His thoughts were interrupted by another bright light and a voice, "Hey Ash come on its time to get up!" the light glowed brighter and brighter until the two faces faded leaving only the bright light.

Ash groaned opening his eyes slowly rubbing them to get adjusted to the sunlight that shined through their room. Sitting up he stretched his arms above his head yawning, what a strange dream that was, no that didn't feel like a dream. He stared at his hands the feeling of the cold glass was still etched into his mind, and that girl and pokemon he saw. Just who were they?

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