Episode 38 cinnibar gym leader battle

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Ash was leaning forward on the railing of the cruise ship they were on as he gazed out at sea, with pikachu right next to him. Everypne else on the cruise ship too just lounging around and relaxing, while he was thinking about his upcoming gym battle with Blaine. Blaine and the Viridian City Gym leader will probably be his and Ritchie's Hardest gym battle yet.

"Pikapi (Ash)?" Pikachu said his friends name to get his attention.

Ash turned his head over to Pikachu and gave him a small smile, "I'm okay...just thinking."

"Pi Pikachu (About what)?" Pikachu asked.

"About my gym battle with Blaine. This one has me really nervous." Ash confessed.

Pikachu hopped on his shoulder and nuzzled his cheek, "Pikachu Pi Pika (You'll do great)."

Ash smiled and rubbed his best friends head, "Thanks, buddy."

"Well look who it is, little squirt decided to take a cruise." A familiar voice said sounded not happy. Ash didn't need to turn around to know the voice belonged to none other than Gary Oak. Pikachu frowned when the boy neared him and Ash simply kept his gaze on the water.

"Can't say I'm surprised to see you here." Ash said calmly.

"Heh, well I'm surprised to see you here. Thought you would've given up by now." Gary said coldly, his cheerleaders in the background were cheering about how good Gary was.

Pikachu was just itching to electrocute Gary but knew Ash would never allow that so he simply frowned at the boy.

"So how many badges you've got little squirt?" Gary asked with an irritated Tone.

"Six." Ash answered.

Gary started laughing evily, "Only six? Man, you really are an idiot as a trainer Ash! Who only has six badges at this point? I have more than you do!"

"Prof.Oak already told me," Ash said very calm, "He also told me that Fearow of yours doesn't listen to you. Can't say I'm surprised since your just stupid like all the rest."

Pikachu snickered at Gary's very angered expression. Ash saw the island was in view and stood up straight, "Why don't we go see how the others are doing?" He suggested to Pikachu.

"Pika (Yeah)!" Pikachu agreed.

The two of them walked away from Gary without so much as sparing him a second glance and went over to the others who saw what happened.

Ash merely shook his head, "Don't even bother. For now let's focus on finding a Pokémon center so me and Ritchie can switch out our pokemon, and then we'll find the gym."

The others agreed and did just that. First they went to the Pokémon Center where Ash and Ritchie switched out their Pokémon, and wanted to rent room there too, but they were booked. With a sigh they began to wonder where they were going to stay when a stranger came up them. The man had long wavy blonde hair, wearing black shades, sporting a red long-sleeved shirt with green beads around his neck, blue pants, and black shoes.

"You are Ash Ketchum, correct?" The man asked.

"I am..." Ash confirmed looking at the stranger warily.

"Ah, Prof. Oak told me to expect you. You have two fossils you need to be ressurected, correct?" The man asked.

"Yeah, I do."

"I see, then follow me." He started walking away with the others following right behind him. He brought them to the Pokémon Lab, but they used the back entrance because there was a lot of people already inside the building. Once they were in the back he brought them to the lab where there was a machine ready to ressurect the two fossils Ash had with him.

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