episode 33 snow way out

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The gang were traveling until come to a fork in the road, the trail leading right to a mountain. Before they left Ash had switched his pokemon again, he traded Dratini for Charmander and Riolu for Pidgeotto. He even sent Lapras to Prof. Oak and told him to take good care of her.

"What should we do?" Zack wondered.

"Why don't we just take the path that leads to the mountain?" Ritchie suggested.

"I don't know Ritchie, remember it's a mountain. Anything can happen." Ash said.

Brock nodded, "Ash is right."

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Ritchie smiled.

Ash sighed, "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt."

"So we're going then?" Misty turned to Brock.

"Looks like it." Brock said.

They headed up in the trail of the mountain, Misty, Brock, Molly, and Tomo were wearing blankets shivering a little but Ash, Zack, and Ritchie were just fine, when asked why they simply said, "We're used to it" making Misty roll her eyes.

Brock was looking at the compass needle, "Well. according to my calculations...we're completely lost."

Ash sighed, "I figured, I'll send out Pidgeotto." He threw a pokeball in the air and out came the bird pokemon, "Pidgeotto, I want you to find a trail if there is one."

Pidgeotto nodded and flew off trying to find a trail for them to take and after about 5 minutes the bird pokemon came back, "You found one?"

The bird pokemon nodded.

"Good, lead the way!" Ash said.

Pidgeotto nodded and flew in the direction where she found the trail acting as their guide while the rest followed.

10 minutes hadn't even passed and the gang was blasted by a full on snowstorm! Ash asked Molly and Tomo if they were okay but the kids said they were just fine.

"Where did this blizzard come from?!" Misty yelled.

"Don't know but we need to set up camp soon, otherwise we'll freeze to death!" Brock yelled.

"I agree, we should set up camp somewhere!" Ash agreed with him.

"We don't need to set up camp, the path is probably close by anyway!" Ritchie argued.

"Yeah but Ritchie, the sun will be setting soon!" Brock reminded.

"Brock's right, we're fine now but as soon as the sun goes down the temperature will drop to a low level." Ash said holding Molly and Tomo close to him.

Ritchie seemed to understand and nodded, "Your right..."

Brock looked around, "We need to find a way to dig a cave somewhere." But before they could do anything the snowstorm intensifies and knocked Pikachu and Sparky off of Ritchie and Ash's shoulders.

"Pikachu!" Ash yelled.

"Sparky!" Ritchie yelled.

Both boys ran after their pokemon not wanting them out in the cold.

"Ash! Ritchie!" Misty yelled about to go after them but Brock and Zack stopped her.

"Don't." Zack shook his head holding Molly and Tomo back.

"He's right Misty, besides the storms getting much worse." Brock stated as the wind intensified.

Ritchie and Ash were looking for Sparky and Pikachu calling out their names all the way.

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