episode 6 Team Rocket Second Encounter

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Prepare for trouble!

Make it double!

To protect the world from devastation!

To reunite all peoples within our nation!

To denounce the evil of truth and love!

To extend our reach to stars above!



Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth thats right!

"Not you three again!" Misty yelled.

Samurai looked at them, "You know these fools?" he questioned.

Ash nodded, "They're from Team Rocket they steal people's pokemon." He explained.

"I see." He said turning back to them, "State your business now or suffer the consequences!"

"Ohhh, I'm so scared." Jessie mocked.

"We have no business with you boy," James said, "Our business is with the-''

"You twerp!" Meowth pointed to Ash interrupting James.

Luxray growled again at the cat as if warning him to insult his trainer one more time.

"Yeah...?" he answered not understanding why the cat was calling him out.

"You owe me an explanation!" he declared.

Jessie, James, and Misty all fell down anime style, the only reason Samurai and Molly didn't was because they were still confused about the whole situation while Ash just stared at Meowth unsure of what to say.

"Meowth are you seriously still bothered by the fact that the twerp can understand pokemon?!" Jessie yelled at the cat.

"I thought you were joking when you said you wanted answers." James sweat-dropped.

"No I wasn't jokin' about what I said!" he yelled at his comrades, "I was serious!"

"You've gotta be kidding me, the only reason you clowns followed us was just so you could get some answers?!" Misty yelled furiously.

"Shut up!" Meowth snapped at her, "This is nun of ya business its between me and the twerp!"

Ash couldn't help but sigh maybe this is why his mom told him not to say anything about his ability to speak to pokemon. Because people would be asking him questions about it, this is why he was glad that only his mom, molly, his aunt, his dad, and prof. oak know about it. Had Gary knew there was no telling what merciless teasing and bullying he would put the boy through. He was already an outcast and the last thing he needed to be teased about is this.

"My big brother doesn't have to tell you anything!" Molly stated throwing a pokéball in the air, "Teddiursa, I choose you!" out came a little teddy bear like pokemon with a crescent marking on its face. Unlike most Teddiursa's this one loved battling.

It looked at the cat pokemon and huffed at it, "Teddi, ursa ursa? Teddiursa!" it taunted.

Ash couldn't help but laugh out loud startling everyone present. He knew exactly what Teddiursa said and thought it was funny about that.

"Um, Ash?" Misty called out, "What did it say?"

He turned to her then whispered it in her ear and she began to laugh herself, "T-that's...to...funny..." she said in between laughs.

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