episode 20 butterfree finds a loved one

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On their way to Celadon City the gang arrive at a high cliff staring at the horizon.

"The ridge of the cliff will take us to Saffron City, but like Ash said we'll just pass right through it and Lavender then go to Celadon City." Brock explained.

Ash nodded, "That's right."

Ritchie stretched his arms above his head then noticed a large group of Butterfree pass over his head and into the horizon, "Why's there a lot of Butterfree here?"

Brock smiled, "The Butterfree are celebrating their season of love so they can find a mate."

"Finding a mate," Misty said, "it sounds so romantic!"

Ritchie rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

Molly blinked in confusion then looked to her brother, "Big brother, what's a mate?"

Ash stiffened not really good at explaining things like this. Sometimes he wished his mom were here, "Well, a mate is when a pokemon tries to find a suitable partner that they want to spend the rest of their lives with." He tried his best to explain.

"Oh..." Molly then thought of something, "Is big brother looking for a mate to?" she asked innocently.

Ash blushed taken by surprise by the sudden question, "N-no I'm not! Besides I doubt any girl would be interested in me anyway."

Yes there are! You just don't really pay attention enough to notice it! Brock and Misty thought sweat-dropping.

Molly then had a look of determination, "Good! Because from now on if you want to find a mate she needs my approval or I wont allow it!"

Silence. It was dead silent. After her declaration it felt like everything around them suddenly stopped.

Ash looked at his sister, "...Huh?"

Molly put her hands on her hips repeating herself, "I forbid any girl to come near you if I don't like her! You need my permission to find a mate!"

"Where is this coming from all of a sudden?!" Ash exclaimed, "And why do I suddenly need my little sisters permission?!"

Molly shook her head, "I won't allow it!"

"Ursa Ursa (Won't allow it)!" Teddiursa copied.

"Even you?!" Ash yelled at the bear.

Molly smiled at her partner, "Me and Teddiursa are part of the "Protect big brother from Nasty Girls Club!" they did a pose together.

"Ursa Ursa (That's right)!" Teddiursa said.

Ritchie sweat-dropped, "Protect big brother from Nasty Girls Club?"

"Pika Pikachu Pi Pika (That's some club)." Sparky sweat-dropped himself.

Ash couldn't help but smile awkwardly, "Molly I appreciate your concern but I don't think that's necessary, and like I said before I don't think I'm any girls type."

Brock and Misty thought again.

Molly still wouldn't give in, "Don't worry big brother because we'll protect you!"

"Ursa (That's right)!" Teddiursa said.

Pikachu smirked at his trainer, "Pika Pikachu Pikapi? Pi Pika Pika Pikachu (Isn't that great Ash? Your sister will protect you from those nasty girls)."

Fennekin giggled.

Ash groaned, "Can we just drop this conversation now please?"

Ritchie was still confused about the whole conversation between his friends, "So what are we talking about again?"

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