As something more

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{Phoenix Wright}
I mean my hair at least covers my face, but the mirror in front of me doesn't. "I'll leave you, so you could fix your hair, and also i'll wait for you in the living room." I look back at him as I try to control my blushing, as he leaves in to the hallway.

{Miles Edgeworth}
I walked down the hall thinking. Thinking on what to do now. I mean I could stay to hang with my old friend. But, I couldn't stop thinking about Iris... my heart starts racing, as I try to extinguish the fire. Dont think about it Miles. Just loosen up, and everything should be fine. Huh? I walk back a few steps to look out the window to see something that catched my eye with colors, and lights. That must be new. Maybe me and Phoenix could go later.

I walked to the living room to see Maya looking at some DVDs on a shelf. I curiously wanted to see what type of DVDs there were, so I took a look. Mostly kid shows that suppose to show on the television like Pink Princess, Signal Samurai, Steel Samurai, and etc... oh, I remember that I did a case for Steel Samurai for a acter named... Will Powers was it? That case was kinda a nightmare, well for me at least. Ms.Oldbag... "Edgey-poo!" Chills flew all over my body, I need to forget about that. "Miles? What's with the disgusted look on your face? Did Phoenix do something to you?" Maya's face went to a concern to a excitement after she mentioned Phoenix. "What do you mean, did Phoenix do something to me?" She tried to think of something to say, but she gave up, and gave me a poorly answer. "Hm, I dont know." Well thats good for nothing, I dont see why she hide something from me, "Vary well." I took a seat at the end of the sofa, surprised that it's pretty comfy. Maya jumpped on the sofa next to me and started asking questions, "Well, Nick isn't here. May I ask what happend a week ago? Did you spend time with Nick? Was it just you and Nick? Were there other people? Oh, did you guys became Closer? What was Nick talking about, huh? Who is this Iris? Are you dating this person named Iris? Wait why dose she sound familier? ndkdbdkdnndkenendndkb ekwelldontdatethisiris,datenicksbxkqnwsoareyouandnickgettingtogetherbdyouknownicklikesyou,youshouldgiveitatrysirmilesbs-" Thats all I heard. I really didnt mind this tone of hers, but I couldn't answer these questions. So I tryed to ignore her for now till Pheonix shows up to save me.

{Pheonix Wright}
"Well finished! Now time to go check on Miles. And hope he servived from Maya." I laught to my self, as I leave my room to see, Maya sitting next him asking silly questions non-stop. The poor guy looks like hes pritty annoyed. I walk up to them and sat on the middle of the sofa. Maya scout over so she get out of the away of me sitting on her. "So what we watching?" I suggested. It was quiet for a minute or two and Maya brought up "How about Pink Princess! Nick you havent seen the new episodes. Right?" Oh no. I was going to refuse, but Edgeworth asked "What is this Pink Princess thing you speak of?" I look at Miles, and he seemed ready to laugh at me. "WHAAATTT! Sir.Edgeworth you never seen Pink Princess? I mean even Nick likes it!" Thats so not true. But I dessided to say nothing. "Lets watch it." I looked up to Edgeworth after he said those words. "Um, Miles are you sure? To be honest its kinda boring." I hear Maya scolding me as she puts the Pink Princess on. "I mean she says you like it, Right?" I just shake my head, "No! I only watch it because Maya keeps bringing me along the ride." I could tell hes giving me a uh huh look.

Its been a while, since watching Pink Princess we started around episode 64, but we are at episode 69. They give out two episodes a day im sure, well thats what Maya says. So we are almost catched up to where she left off. Miles seemed confused on what was happening. I mean I am too even tho I seen every single one so far. I noticed Miles was shaking a bit, maybe hes cold? I mean it didn't seem to be cold just fresh. "Hey Miles do you need a blanket or something?" I see him look at me, "Um... yeah if that's okay." I nod at him, and got up to get a blanket.

{Maya Fey}
It seems so boring since I been paying attention to them and not the show. Nothing really is happening either, other then Miles shaking for some random reason. Maybe nerves? Sigh, I heard that Nick was asking if he needed a blanket and he got up to go get one im sure. I need to do something. Maybe advice? Maybe Edgeworth needs help. "Hey Edgeworth! Try sharing the blanket and falling asleep on him." I have a feeling he thinks im doing something here. But he just laughs at me. "Hehehe, No thanks Maya." I gave him a dissapointed look. "And may I ask why you like me to?" Why? So you can get closser to Nick of course! I would tell him, but I want to leave it to them. I couldn't say anything since Nick came back in the room.

{Phoenix Wright}
"Here Miles." I got a red blanket from my room, and made it so it went on him, I then took a seat next to him. "Thank you." His thanks was soft and sweet. Something I dont get often from him at least. "Your welcome." I gave him a smile and he return one back to me.

{Miles Edgeworth}
I noticed Maya kept begging me to do as she said by putting her hands together and giving me a sad look. Phoenix hasn't noticed and I tryed to ignore her. But thoughts came to me saying "give it a try, or for her." I could understand clearly that Maya likes me and Pheonix together not as friends im sure. But as something more.

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