This is my first story i made in this app. I ship these two so badly and I thought I can show you guys what I been working on. Ill try not to forget to add on stuff. And thanks for reading, and sorry for any Cringey things. PS if there is any miss s...
{Phoenix Wright} "Phoenix... wait! Please... don't go!" He said pulling me closer. We made eye contact, and I could see him blushing a lot. He then slowly let's go of me. "Sorry, I uh... Could you stay here for a little bit longer. It's something important!" I tried to control myself from burning into a flame, and smiled sweetly, "Sure, what is it?" Why am I doing this? "Follow me." I nod, and did as what Edgeworth told me. I could feel sweat falling from my face as we went up the stairs. I swallowed hard when we stopped in front of a door. He opened it, and it was a bedroom. I had chills flow threw my entire body, and refused to go in. Edgeworth looked back at me confused as why I didn't follow him in to the room. "Do... I have to... You know... Go in?" I said struggling to get the words out of my mouth. Edgeworth laughed at me, "I promise you, I'm not going to do anything. I just want to talk to you, Phoenix." I give a sigh of relief. I trusted him, and walked in the room. "Sit on the bed, I'll be with you in a moment." I nervously do so, and I looked at Edgeworth. I see him examining a bookshelf mumbling something to himself. "Ah, here it is," Edgeworth came to me holding something in his hands. He took a seat next to me, and showed a picture of me, Larry, and himself. I try to take a good look at the picture, but then I felt Edgeworth's chin on my shoulder. I try to hide my blushing face, but I couldn't find a way to. He got off, and he opened his other hand to show me a little red head that seemed familiar. "Is that? The red signal samurai? The mark of our friendship?" I asked surprised.
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"I thought you said you lost it!" Edgeworth shook his head, "Miles had it, he was just nervous to have it around you guys." Is he talking in third person right now? "What do you mean Miles was nervous?" Edgeworth stood up to look out the window. I saw him slipping the little red head in his pocket. "Phoenix just get this over with. Im sure you want your friend back. That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Edgeworth looked back at me. He seemed to look serious. "WAIT! HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS?" I stood up surprised. He just looked away. "Valenie told me to have my fun before it's over. She told me the longer im in this body the more... Look if you do it quickly Edgeworth won't notice. He's asleep for now so he won't remember anything that happened between you and me." So he's telling me to kiss him, now... Well this is my chance. But it's really hard, because he has Edgeworth's face. Ugh, I have to do it now! No more second thoughts. I walked towards him ready to lean in for the kiss. But I felt his finger gently pressed against my lips telling me to wait for one minute. "I just have something's to say before this is all over. Edgeworth seems to really care about you, a lot actually, but tries to hide it as best as humanly possible. So take good care of him he seems like a great guy. And also I had a good time hanging with you Mr.Wright. So thank you." He lowers his finger... And I grabbed on to Edgeworth's face with both of my hands. Im pretty disgusted by the thought of me kissing him, since I only like him as a friend, and never thought of him as nothing more, but it's for him. I grabbed his face tighter, and pressed his lips against mine. I felt his soft lips that seemed sweet, and smooth. I honestly didn't want to let go, I was so lost in thought, that I forgot what I was doing, for a slight second I felt Miles wrap his arms around me. And then I was sadly pushed away, to see him in front of me with a shocked expression on his face.