A Hot mess

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"Hey Nicky, Edgy boy!" A happy sounding voice said. "Larry, nice of you to be here," I said. Larry scratched his head with a weak smile. "Yeah... You know it's so dead in this hospital it should use some more smiles. Don't you think." I nodded to him since it would be nice if we just relaxed for a bit. "Well... We are in a bad situation Larry. You know why your here, right?" He was going to respond to that... till, *Wack.* "This foolish fool better know why he's here! Or are you just a clown to treat to are worries? If so then the exit is that way." Ms.Franziska whip's at the direction of the exit.

Larry seemed to be calm by the situation and didn't really think much of his warning to leave. "Of course I know why I'm here! And I ain't no clown Ms. I'm here to see if my friends are okay. Now if you can excuse me I have much more important matters to care about then to deal with a hot mess. Hehe, see you pal's later! I need to get to work... Or I be late." Larry was going to head out till he saw Gumshoe in the corner of the room. "Hey! Cheer up, will yeah? It hurts us to see a friend looking like this. What will do yeah some good is to smile in a dark moment such as now. The energy might help out are dear friend." Gumshoe nodded to him and showed a sweet smile, "Your right pal! Being sad ain't going to do any good. Maya is going to be okay!" Larry smiled and left without saying a other word.

Franziska was still speechless by the words of Larry, "Franziska... you doing okay?" Miles asked a bit worried. She didn't respond and went to go take a seat. Miles went to go sit next to her, "a hot mess... What did he mean by that?" Franziska asked in confusion. Miles messed with his sister's hair and responded with, "Larry thinks your quite beautiful, but you are quite the challenge to deal with. And well... He's indeed correct." She jumps up from her seat and and storms into the lady's room. I could also see a hint of red on her face, which I considered pretty cute. I smiled at the site and saw Gumshoe come over. "Well... They seem to be getting along," He said. Franziska and Larry? Ha, it could have gotten way worse. WE all might had to stay here longer if he stepped on the landmine. Good he left. "Yeah... I guess you could say that? Anyway... how you recovering?" He thought for a moment and smile vanished. "I'm doing alright. I thought that... I could have done something. Something to help Maya... But I rode past your place without thinking a second about her. Then when I finished looking at the scene... I got a call from the police to go check at your place since your neighbors heard a struggle. I went in and saw Maya... I had to take her to the hospital and when I did, I immediately came to you guys." Gumshoe... So this is what he's been beating himself for. That's... "Gumshoe, here. Go treat yourself, you need it. And get your mind off this okay. You didn't know so don't blame yourself. And if you ever needed to talk... we are here for you. Do I have to remind you that we are friends, and that we are also family?" Gumshoe smiled then started to cry. Me and Miles went in for a hug, and hugged the sweet Gumshoe that's always been showing nothing but care, and love for all of us.

(So I was writing the things Larry said to Fran, and.... curiosity came to me, and I went to search Larry x Franziska and it was there... Well a little bit of it. I wonder how you guys feel about the ship. Let me know I'm curious. 😆 I think it's kinda cute.)

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