Chapter Two: The Last Day (2x20)

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A/N: This update is just fixing some grammar mistakes. (9/11/2020)

Damon is sitting at the bar when Alaric arrives and sits down next to him

"I'll have the same," said Alaric

The bartender nods and gets Alaric's drink

"I screwed up," said Damon

"Yeah. Yeah, you did" said Alaric

"Yeah," said Damon

"Gentlemen? Why so glum?" asked Klaus

Klaus and Kaira are standing next to them at the bar. Alaric and Damon look at them

"Ugh. Klaus, I presume" said Damon

"In the flesh," said Klaus

Klaus looks at Alaric, and Kaira rolls her eyes

"Thanks for the loaner, mate," said Klaus

Damon gets up and is looking angry

"Any reason you stopped by to say hi?" asked Damon

"I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelgänger. Just thought I'd remind you to not do anything you'll regret" said Klaus

Damon breaks into a smile at the irony of the comment

"Ha. Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh?" asked Damon

"You are kidding?" asked Klaus

Klaus looks at Alaric

"He is kidding, right?" asked Klaus

"I don't think he is," said Kaira

"No, not really," said Alaric

"I mean, come on, what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?" asked Damon

"Let me be clear...I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up" said Klaus

Klaus and Kaira leave. Soon Klaus and Kaira arrive back to Alaric's apartment. Katherine is making coffee

"Everything okay?" asked Katherine

"What have you been doing?" asked Klaus

"Making coffee. Do you want some?" asked Katherine

Klaus rushes over to her, grabs her by the throat and compels Katherine. Kaira stands back and watches

"Tell me what you've been doing," said Klaus

"Making coffee," said Katherine

Klaus releases Katherine and she holds her neck, gasping and turns around

"Wait. Take off your bracelet" said Klaus

Katherine takes it off and gives it to him

"Now, I want you...To walk over to the window and stand in the sunlight" said Klaus

"But I'll burn," said Katherine

"You don't have a choice," said Klaus

Katherine stands in the sunlight and the side of her face exposed to the sunlight starts to burn. Katherine keeps screaming. Klaus looks at her with a smile. Klaus lets her burn for a moment. Kaira has a small smile on her face

"That's enough," said Klaus

Katherine rushes over to the corner of the room, in the shadows

"Guess I was wrong. All right, then. I need you to do something for me" said Klaus

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