Chapter Twenty: 1912 (3x16)

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A/N: This update is only fixing up grammar mistakes (9/11/2020)

Kaira was pacing as Klaus hadn't been home since he turned. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kaira opened the door to reveal a slightly panicked Kol

 "Kol? What's wrong?" asked Kaira

 "It's Klaus. Something's wrong," said Kol

Kaira knew that she had to help her husband, she followed Kol out of the hut she shared with Klaus. Closing the door behind her, she quickly rushed behind Kol while being careful not to trip over. Kaira woke up to the sound her bedroom door closing. Kaira let out a sigh as she rolled onto her back and realized that Klaus wasn't in bed. Kaira laid in bed for about five minutes before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. After her shower, Kaira made her way downstairs to look for food. Kaira found Rebekah in the kitchen

"Where's Nik?" asked Kaira

Rebekah shrugged her shoulders

 "I don't know," said Rebekah

Kaira nodded and then proceeded to make herself some breakfast. After eating, Kaira went to the Mystic Grill with Rebekah so she could question Carol Lockwood about the White Oak tree. The pair sit across from Carol

 "Hello Carol," said Kaira

 "Hello Kaira," said Carol

"Thank you for meeting with us, Mayor. I figured as head of the Preservation Society, you'd be a good person to ask about the oldest trees in this community," said Rebekah

"A long line of Lockwood women use to keep those records, back before any of them had actual jobs," said Carol

"I've been to the Founders' archive, but I can't seem to find any record of the tree I'm looking for," said Rebekah

"It probably got cut down. Big old trees built half of this town in the 1900s," said Carol

Kaira looks up and notices that Stefan and Damon enter the Grill and head toward the bar. Damon and Rebekah stare at each other

"Do you happen to know who kept the milling ledgers during that period?" asked Rebekah

"Back then all the logging mills were owned by the Salvatores," said Carol

"The Salvatore's?" asked Kaira

"Yes," said Carol

Kaira and Rebekah head over to the bar and catch the tail end of the Salvatore brothers conversation

"But why them? Huh? Brian Walters and Alaric weren't from founding families. I mean, hey, if you're gonna slaughter council members, go A-list. At least in 1912, they killed a Salvatore," said Damon

"Which Salvatore would that be?" asked Rebekah

Damon and Stefan look back and see both Rebekah and Kaira

"Well?" asked Kaira

"Zachariah Salvatore, our nephew," said Stefan

"So, Zachariah Salvatore was your nephew?" asked Rebekah

"Well, our father knocked up one of the maids during the Civil War, she had a son. But as far as everyone else knew, Stefan and I were dead. The family name had to go somewhere," said Damon

"And, uh, your family-owned the logging mills back then?" asked Rebekah

"You're full of a lot of questions," said Damon

"I'm just researching the town history. I grew up here after all," said Rebekah

"We both did," said Kaira

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