Chapter Nineteen: All My Children (3x15)

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A/N: This update is only fixing up grammar mistakes (9/11/2020)

Kaira woke up, feeling slightly different, but shook the feeling away. Kaira then gets ready for the day, and walks past the study and tilts her head when she sees Elijah in there. Kaira leans up against the door frame and Elijah finds burnt sage. Elijah looks up and sees Kaira

"Is that burnt sage?" asked Kaira

"Yes it is, Kaira. Did you notice it last night?" asked Elijah

Kaira shook her head

"She did a privacy spell," said Kaira

"And I wonder why she needed too," said Elijah

Kaira and Elijah look at each other

"After seeing that, I have a feeling that she isn't going to be unlinking me from Klaus," said Kaira

Kaira gestures to the burnt sage

"I don't think she will either," said Elijah

The Original vampire and his near immortal sister-in-law go downstairs and enter the lounge room. Kaira notices Rebekah's frazzled appearance and realized that she didn't come home last night. The pair enter the room, with Elijah still holding the burnt sage

"Rebekah," said Elijah

"Not you too, Elijah and Kaira," said Rebekah

"I'm worried about mother. Have you not noticed her strange behavior?" asked Elijah

"She's been dead for a thousand years. What's strange for her?" asked Rebekah

"Burnt sage," said Elijah

Elijah shows Rebekah the sage and she takes it from him

"Elijah and I believe that..." said Kaira

"...She was doing a privacy spell," said Elijah

"You know she fancies such things. Why don't you ask Finn? He's been doting on her," said Rebekah

"I don't trust, Finn. He hates what we are, he always has," said Elijah

"That's not true. And as for mother, she returned for one reason, to make our family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?" asked Rebekah

Rebekah leaves the room

"So Rebekah is in denial," said Kaira

"Hm, it seems so," said Elijah

Elijah thinks for a moment before looking over at Kaira

"You were close with Finn when we were humans," said Elijah

"Yeah, so? I used to cover for him when he went off to see Sage," said Kaira

"I was thinking that you try and get the information out of him," said Elijah

"Uh, no. Not doing that," said Kaira

"And why not?" asked Elijah

"Because Finn always knows when I'm up to something," said Kaira

Elijah nods and then Kaira gets a idea

 "But we could go to the doppelganger," said Kaira

Elijah looks at Kaira

 "What about Elena?" asked Elijah

 "Well, it was odd that Esther wanted to see her directly after getting my blood," said Kaira

Elijah slowly nods, putting the pieces together

 "Which means she lied to me about why mother wanted to see her," said Elijah

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