Chapter Ten: Smells Like Teen Spirit (3x06)

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A/N: This update is only fixing up grammar mistakes. (9/11/2020)

After Klaus left her in Mystic Falls, Kaira went back to Alaric's apartment and was surprised that the human who owned it was there. Kaira looked at him

"Alaric," said Kaira

"What are you doing here?" asked Alaric

"I have nowhere else to go. Klaus left me here," said Kaira

Alaric stood up and went to say something

"Look, Alaric, I'm sorry that Klaus took over your body and that he killed Jenna. I know how important she was to the doppelganger and you," said Kaira

Kaira looked at Alaric, and he looked down. He swallowed and then looked back up at her

"You can stay just for tonight. I won't let anyone know," said Alaric

"Thank you," said Kaira

Alaric nodded and then left the apartment. Kaira looked around then turned off the lights and made her way to the bedroom. After Kaira got ready for bed, she tried to call Klaus but it went straight to voicemail. Kaira sighed and then went to sleep. Katherine and Jeremy are in front of a crypt

"How do you know that Anna wasn't tricking you?" asked Katherine

"This is the place. It's the oldest wing of the largest cemetery in Charlotte. She said that a witch entombed him here in the nineties" said Jeremy

They look through the door window. There's a tomb inside

"Look there," said Jeremy

Katherine breaks open the double doors. Katherine looks at the tomb and pushes the top slab off it. Mikael is lying in it, mummified and chained up. As soon as the tomb is opened, Mikael opens his eyes. Kaira shot up with sweat clinging to her skin, she was heavy breathing and was scared. She knew that they had somehow found Mikael. Deciding that she didn't want to be alone, she got out of Alaric's bed and took a long shower. After her shower, and when she was dressed, Kaira left Alaric's apartment. After writing a letter to Alaric, saying thank you for letting her stay and another apology about Klaus. She closed the door behind her and was faced with Rebekah, who was carrying shopping bags.

 "Rebekah, hey," said Kaira

 "You staying here?" asked Rebekah

 "Only for the night," said Kaira

Rebekah squinted at her human sister-in-law and saw that she was scared of something. But she didn't know what, Rebekah put down the fact Klaus left them both behind in the birthplace of the doppelganger

"Right. We need somewhere to stay considering Nik left us," said Rebekah

When Kaira didn't respond, Rebekah just grabbed her arm and dragged her along. Soon the pair arrived at The Salvatore Boarding House, and Rebekah knocks on the door. Damon opens the door, and glares at Kaira, remembering her from the sacrifice. Rebekah, dragging Kaira in as well, enters the boarding house

"Where's Stefan?" asked Rebekah

"Who the hell are you?" asked Damon

"He left me here. My brother actually left me here," said Rebekah

Stefan looks over at Rebekah, and then at Kaira

"Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care," said Stefan

"You're Klaus's sister?" asked Damon

"Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure," said Rebekah

"And you are?" asked Damon

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