Naked Man riding a swordfish

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Eric, Stefan, Commander Alia and even King Michael currently all are on small boats, searching for Mogranius.

They all thought him as dead considering that a few days have passed already from his disappearance.

The spearfishermen witnessed a 1,500 kg swordfish dragging Mogranius down the ocean, so everyone could put two and two together to calculate his unfortunate fate.

But they aren't at all certain of the abnormal fate Mogranius brought upon himself. They don't know that his over 300 year old father told the swordfish to drag Mogranius a kilometer underwater.

"Do you think that we can at least find his body?" Questions Eric, hating the fate that his mentor encountered.

"I doubt it, swordfish are carnivores. They eat meat, he is likely dragged down an underwater den and saved for food." Explains King Michael who's in a small boat with Eric.

Perhaps tad graphic but it's a fact regarding swordfish behaviour, he wants the group to be prepared for the worst.

"So we can't find his body..." Eric murmurs, accepting the reality that his mentor is dead.

Eric's in large grief because of his Mentor. They managed to build up a good connection through time, and just to lose him now? For a boy who barely had any friends before becoming the Electus, this is extraordinarily hard to comprehend.

"We would be lucky if we find the same fish. If that beast managed to grow that big, it knows where to come again." Adds King Michael once more, indirectly making Eric a bit sadder.

Although not intended, the King is primarily focusing on other uncomfortable matters, like losing more fishermen to that beast.

"Just grief like a normal person." In a bit of rage followed by grief projected the young man.

Eric is sure losing his patience which isn't good at all. If he wants to defeat the remaining inner demons, keeping rage under control is a must but this situation is sure testing.

Possibly making this worst, the King adds. "I'm grieving, but my fishermen could be swallowed by that beast as well, so I'm grieving for them too."

Trying not to shoot fireballs from his palms, Eric cites. "My friend is dead and you're thinking about food? Don't test my patience Michael."

Still keeping his self built diplomatic character, Michael utters with a soft tone. "I am a King, it is my responsibility to make sure that these 400 people don't starve to death. We don't need a food shortage right now, do you understand sir Eric?"

Eric wants to yell out right now but it won't end up well, this sadness is pushing the young man to borders he doesn't want to meet.

The young Electus hasn't had enough control over his feelings lately. Destiny is pushing him to the edge so it's better to not speak than to speak bad at this point, arguing is pointless.

"Wait, am I going insane? The waters must have gotten me dizzy!" Yells out King Michael in both excitement and fear once an unusual sight captivated his point of view.

"What? What are you talking about?" Murmurs Eric after dropping a tear in the sea water, refusing to move even an inch while looking at his reflection.

Now pissed off more than everyone combined, Michael demands. "Just look up goddamnit!"

Rising up on his feet, Eric's forced to a harshly projected mumble. "What the actual... is that?"

"This is impossible!" Continues King Michael in shock and happiness topped up with self doubt, projected with that thundering shout.

"Is that Mogranius riding a god damn swordfish?" Yelled out Eric in confusion as he flew away from the boat, leaving King Michael floating on the sea waters alone.

Eric tries to reach Mogranius but Becky is just too fast for Eric to catch on, the shore is just 300 meters away so he has a bit of time to catch on.

Commander Alia spotted the staggering sight as well, fair to say the lady didn't believe her eyes either but no doubt didn't waste even a second once obtaining a small theory of Mogranius actually being alive.

The 300 year old lady lost patience, couldn't nearly wait until she and Woldemir beach the boat, especially as Stefan is acting sort of like dead weight.

They are over a 150 meters away from the shore so it can take a while until their feet meet the cold winter sand.

Alia leaps out of the boat and starts swimming her way to the shore, excitement emerges so great that she swam 150 meters through the skin piercing cold water, in roughly a bit over a minute.

Willpower didn't let the lady get tired at all, not to mention she's in pique physical form.

Arising from the sea waters, she quickly ran towards what seemed to be Mogranius and her theory proved correct.

What rode the swordfish was indeed Mogranius and as he turned around, in a blink of an eye the geezer got tackled by commander Alia, which sent them flying for 3 feet before landing on the sand which broke most of the fall.

Alia broke down in tears of joy and kept crying in front of everyone over his naked body but none of the main group members are there to witness it.

This scene mostly contains a crowd of fishermen and spearfishermen. She's crying in that crowd while hugging the shit out of Mogranius.

It's heartwarming to see but it's a bit hard as well. The strict lady who barely jokes around or smiles, broke down in tears of joy.

She likely never did or experienced anything like this before. Eric after finally arriving, jumped over the couple as well but he isn't crying even though feeling the urge to do so.

"Alright alright, calm down you two. I'm well and alive but man do I have a story to tell!" The ole man expresses under a restricted tone, hugging Alia and patting Eric's head.

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