Ch. 6: The New Leader

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Okay this is special 200+ reads! I'm so happy that this is happening!!! I never thought this would get this many reads in 6 fucking chapters! oh well heres the story!



I guess I was the new leader. I didn't actually want to be the leader becauseI am still worried for Rose and her... Drinking problem... Also I remember how stressed Karkat was about all the things he did but I simply could not let him down nor could I let the rest of my friends down.

Just then, as I was just dubbed leader, I saw a sword, and a dark figure. Also purple. Dark purple blood spilling slowly from a wound soaking Gamzee's shirt. As he fell to his knees them onto his face.


I watched as I forced Gamzee to die, crushing some of you guy's feels because I can and I don't give a fuck!


I sat as I watched my moirail die. My fucking moirail. I know how Nepeta felt when he killed Equius. I knew he had it coming. But, I had hoped I wouldn't have to watch it happen. I didn't cry though I felt like I would. "G-GAMZEE?" My voice quivered. "iM sOrRy KaRbRo. i WiSh ThIs HaPpEnEd WhEn YoU wErEnT hE-" He then collapsed to the ground with a thud. I don't care anymore. I began crying, candy red tinted tears flowing from my eyes. "I-I DON'T CARE" (A/N Author sing "I Love It"==> I had this feeling on this summer day when you were gone. i crashed my car into a bridge and watched it let it burn. i threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs. I crashed my car into a bridge. I DONT CARE! I LOVE IT! I DONT CARE! I had this feeling...) "EVERYONE CAN KNOW MY BLOOD COLOUR! ITS CANDY RED AND IM A FUCKING MUTANT AND I DESERVE MY MOIRAIL TO DIE! ITS MY FUCKING FAULT HE DIED! its my fault..." I mumered the end to myself and practically screamed the rest. Sollux came over and I shoved him off of me "FUCK OFF SOLLUX." I saw the hurt in his empty eyes as I said it and regretted it but before I could say anything or take it back he was off running. Oh no I didn't mean it! shit shit shit! I AM A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT THAT DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE! I actually told my matesprit to fuck off! That is solely the absolute WORST thing to do EVER! I got up and ran after Sollux. This time the roles were reversed I guess...


Okay short chapter yeah i know. I want to put this up for 200+ reads and I wanted to stop at that point so yeah. I know there is alot of filler stuff but sorry! again! writers block! but Gamzee died! :D sorry i obviously hate gamzee... #sorrynotsorry okay im sorry thats a hashtag sorry actually sorry. Also gamzee is dead for good! or is he? i dunno yet to be honest

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