Ch. 10: United?

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MY POV (dun dun duuun)

I watched from afar, looking at how peaceful they all were. Sortof. I mean Gamzee died and he was Karkat's moirail so he isn't that peaceful, but whatever. I decided that since they just united and all, I should do something. I laughed like a maniac extremely loud, "shit." I whispered and hid behind a tree while Aradia looked over at me. I then decided to add something. Or somethingS.


After a while I dried my candy red tinted tears and hugged Sollux. I stood up and noticed that Strider and Lalonde were here. Obviously Kanaya was happy about that. I then realized Egbert and Harley were here as well. I stood up and walked over to Egbert still having a grudge from the time he hit me in the face with a bucket sweep or so ago. "EGBERT!" I yelled at him. "oh hey karkat!" He grinned like an idiot as always. "DON'T YOU FUCKING 'hey karkat' ME! YOU THREW A BUCKET AT MY FUCKING FACE! WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" He looked confused as always. "oh right... sorry i forgot that trolls hate cleaning supplies...." What. No. God Egbert is so retarded. "WHAT. I DON'T KNOW WHAT CLEANING SUPPLIES ARE. WHO TOLD YOU THAT?" He is still confused. Of course "vriska" he stated. That spider bitch "UGH EGBERT WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO CLUELESS." I whispered what buckets were into his ear and he turned bright crimson. "w-what?" "YOU HEARD ME AND I AM NOT REPEATING MYSELF." "i am so so so so so so so so sorry!" he kept apologizing. "i wont make that mistake again!" Will he just shut up yet? He was cut off by someone landing ontop of him. Well four humans that is. They were all screaming at eachother. "Who Are They Might I Ask?" Kanaya asked no one in particular. A human girl got off the top of the pile "hey! im roxy!" Rose and Roxy's eyes widened as they saw eachother and ran to eachother and hugged tightly "MOM!" They screamed at the same time. I don't even know what a "mom" is


I was screwing around with my majikks and ended up appearifying us in the middle of no where and I was first off the pile because other people were there and I didn't want to look bad "hey! im roxy!" I then saw a girl that looked like my Mom and she recognized me and we hugged and shit "MOM!" we said at the same time. Which I didn't find weird at all for some reason. We kept hugging and catching up since the deaths of eachother. I mean, she is alive and I couldn't be happier right now.


H-he's alive. How, but- I don't know or care anymore. "B-bro?" I asked nervously, holding back the tears that were pooling in my eyes if this were some sick joke. He answered me back with the same question. "Bro?" We both saw through eachothers shades and I saw his orange orbs under the dark shades. "I-I thought-" I started "You were... dead" He finished hesitating slightly at the word "dead". Harley decided to ruin the moment by squealing as loud as she could snapping out of my trance same with bro. "JAAAAAAAKE! I THOUGHT I'D NEVER MEET YOU!" We all stared at her like she was insane but who I assumed was Jake and quickly bro put his arm protectively around him. "Wait," I started looking bro dead in the eyes "Do you like "My Little Pony"?" I knew the answer to this question far to well. He was a grown man with his little bro looking after him "Hell yeah." He stated confidently "Smuppets." Was all I said and he still dead panned it which was his way of showing excitement. "So you're a fan of them eh?" I shook my head "Fuck no. Bro, I always have and always will hate your smuppets." he shook his head "Don't be too hastey you'll come around." I shook my head in distaste. "Ugh, no." He simply shrugged and turned to Harley. "So what do you want with my boyfriend?" Yup, that MUST be Jake. Jake English. Bro's boyfriend. "Well, we have been pen pals for a long time..." She drifted off into thought and pulled out a note "Which reminds me! I never got to send this to you because I was on a ship for three years!" He looked slightly shocked but took the note, read it, grinned as wide as humanly possible, then took in Harley for a big embrace. "Thanks Jade!" She giggled "No problem Jake!" She replied. I wonder what that note could have said...

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