Ch.9: Wandering

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She just turned and left. Just... What? I guess he really loves Kanaya that much eh? I decided to do what she asked me to do just this once. I started to walk the opposite direction of her when I saw a large green light. "R-ROSE?! COME OVER HERE! NOW." I screamed at the top of my lungs and she came running over. We both just gasped at the sight we saw. "D-Dave? Is that..?" I slowly nodded "... I think it is..." Her eyes widened as did mine. "J-John? Jade?" Rose broke the silence as their ship came out of thin air. "ROSE! DAVE!" They grinned and yelled in unison at us and Rose ran over to Jade and I walked casually over to John and fist bumped him. "Hey bro." I stated with no emotion though we both knew how excited I was. "Hey Dave! I haven't seen you for SO long!" He emphisised the wors "so". "Its been three fucking years whay do you think? Oh it felt like I haven't seen you for seven days John!" I said sarcasm leaking from my voice and he just giggled. Oh my god he is so fucking cute.


We were lazing around when the ship finally finished its three year journey and we had no clue where we were going to end up. In a flash of green light John and I looked over the edge of the ship and saw none other than my best friends other than John: Rose and Dave! I immediately started bouncing up and down then did a backflip off of te ship and landed infront of Rose with her mouth hanging open and I giggled, "Rose you better watch out! You're going to eat flies soon!" I grinned at her and she closed her mouth and grinned back. "My apologies." She stated flatly but I knew this was her way of being excited... I think... But it didn't matter because she was infront of me in real life!!!! She started scratching behind one of my ears I got from going godtier "Oh yeah! Right there! aaah~" I sighed happily as she scratched just the right spot. "So how did you get these might I ask?" I giggled "I went Dogti- I mean godtier!" She nodded knowingly "Ah, I see. Thank you for the explaination." I punched her playfully in the arm "No need to sound so formal Rose! I haven't seen one of my best friends for three years! I want to know what you have been doing!" She chuckled lightly "Well I have gotten together with Kanaya." She smiled then frowned at the thought "Whats wrong?" I did my newly mastered puppy dog eyes at her. "I just don't know where she is..." I frowned as she told me. "Aw I'm sorry for asking Rose..." She sighed and put on a smile. "It is quite alright, you did not know."


I hoped she didn't realize I was putting on a fake smile and luckily she didn't. I need to go and look for Kanaya now, no exceptions. I sighed "Jade I am sorry but I must go out and look for Kanaya as I was about to do when you showed up." I tried to sound calm but I was panicking on the inside. She nodded "Sorry for inturrupting..." She frowned and her ears flopped down for a moment then perked up again when she thought of something. "Hey can I come with you then?" I smiled happy for having such a good friend "That would make the journey alot less... Boring." I stated flatly. "Wait," I looked at her "hmm?" "You know what BORING is?" She prodded at my ribs grinning from ear to ear emphisising the word "boring". I nodded slowly unsure. "Well of course I do. What makes you think I wouldn't?" She stifles laughter "N-nothing" She stutters slightly and I give her a questioning look but say nothing and turned and started walking "Come if you like Jade." She quickly ran to my side grinning like an idiot.

<Timeskip brought to you by Dave- Dave: What no. Me: Yes now deal. Dave: fiiiiiiine.>

After hours of walking I saw something in the distance and hoped it was my beloved troll girlfriend. I started running at top speed Jade on my heels "What gives Rose? Oh wait nevermind I hear Kanaya and... Karkat sobbing?" I huess she also has the hearing of a dog which might be useful... Wait. "Karkat SOBBING!?" I put emphisis on the word "sobbing". I thought he never cried. Then again people may think that I don't cry though I did and still do every night since my Mother died. I should have made it more known that I love her when she was around. Its my fault she is dead. I feel its my fault. I kept sprinting full speed not caring how ragged my breath was and how my chest felt like it was being torn open. After ten minutes of sprinting I finally got to where Kanaya, Karkat, Sollux, Terezi, and Aradia were. Karkat was sobbing over a corpse that was stained with purple whuch also stained Karkat. Sollux was hugging Karkat. Aradia was explaining what was happening to Terezi since she was blind and Kanaya was crying softly into her hands. I can't see her like this any longer! I rushed to her and lifted her chin up so she was looking at me and kissed her passionately on her lips that had small drops of purple on them. She was startled but then realized who it was and kissed back.


I took out my lunchtop and decided on pestering Dave.

gardenGnostic began pestering turntechGodhead at 17:07 p.m.

GG: hey dave!!! :B

TG: sup harley

GG: you will never guess what happened!!!

TG: you guys found kanye or whoever roses girlfriend is and now they are making out then karkles and captor are over a dead body and the weird death girl is explaining it all to tz

GG: thats... thats... exactly what happened...

TG: yeah i know im right next-

turntechGodhead ceased pestering gardenGnostic at 17:17 p.m.

"-to you" someone whispered in my ear making me jump "WHAT THE-" I bashed whoever was next to me and it turned out being Dave "Oops?" I squeaked out as he looked extremely pissed off then his face went back to being stoic "come on harley it was a fucking joke. id rather NOT get murdered today like that half ass juggalo did over there" He gestured his head in the direction of where Gamzee lie dead with Karkat sobbing over him and I understand, they were really close I think... My ears perked up "Is John here too?" He nodded as John walked up as well. I quickly took a look at my surroundings. To my left there was a forest and to my right which is where I came from is flatland. I had no clue where I was or what was happening.


Extra long chapter WOO HOO! here ya go I'm not gonna ramble so l8r h8rs!

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